Nigth Cap: Who Is the Real Tyrant?

How many times have Democrats labeled Donald Trump a fascist and a tyrant? How often do they compare him to Stalin or Hitler? They’ve been doing it for so long that they don’t even think about it anymore. In fact, they never gave it much thought to begin with; their words were spawned out of pure hate.

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Can Authoritarianism Take Root in a Constitutional Republic?

Like most older Americans, I’ve always been proud of my country.  Those of us who have seen the corruption, the chaos and the ultimate collapse of so many other countries around the world have always felt secure, fortunate – even blessed – to live in a land where opportunity abounds and freedom is enshrined in our Constitution.

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Executive Orders

Quick Thought – Who is the Dictator, please?

by Skip

Executive Orders: Clinton—2 in his first week in officeBush—2 in his first two weeks in officeObama—5 in his first week in officeTrump—4 in his first week in office Biden—30+ in his first five days in office Remind me again which president governs like a dictator? 🤔 — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 26, 2021 And given … Read more

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