The 1900s have seen great developments in the field of adolescent psychology, a course that is almost mandatory for anyone working in the education field in this day and age. Titans of pedagogy like Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Lev Vygotsky, and John Bowlby have pushed forward our understanding of the child’s mind as it progresses and grows from birth to adulthood.
One name not among this list of greats but mentioned in Matt Walsh’s recent documentary What is a Woman is John Money, whose experiments revolved around gender transitioning. He found that a wide range of negativities developed in people who attempted to move between the sexes, including psychiatric disorders, mood swings, tempermentality, manic episodes, clinical depression, and a vastly higher rate of suicide. Yet, he pushes his theories on gender fluidity on an otherwise uneducated public, and they have been adopted by transhumanists.
Transhumanism is a field that emerged in the 20th century and has been promoted by massively influential groups like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (particularly by its wunderkind Yuval Harari), and the Open Society Foundations (offspring of George Soros and now under the control of his son Alex). This is a field that is the natural progression of the eugenics movement, which was primarily responsible for the horrors of the Holocaust circa 1940s Europe. Eugenics is a field stemming from race studies (i.e., racism and racialism) that aims to develop the best genes and improve the human gene pool. It was very popular worldwide, including in the USA, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and went out of vogue after the Nazi Party took it too many steps too far during their reign of destruction.
Eugenicists and Transhumanists do not care about individual human life. They tend to be elitists who can afford to consider the possibility of killing, maiming, or harming large swathes of the human population. Especially if it benefits them and their small, uber-wealthy communities. Israel, London, Switzerland, and California are hotbeds and breeding grounds for geneticist ideologies– places where people are extremely wealthy and protected from the potential negative blowback of their ideas elsewhere on the planet.
Transhumanists today are largely behind movements in the USA and Europe to protect and promote transgender ideologies, with one sole purpose— depopulation. These people believe that the human carrying capacity of the planet has been surpassed, and the only solution is to reduce the population as quickly as possible.
I don’t believe that is true. I believe that with intelligent urban design and implementation of agricultural technologies and practices, and with sophisticated government policies on birth control and sex culture, there are better ways than widespread sterilization and castration. Of course, that is essentially what the transgender movement seeks, packaged in a fluffy, rainbow-stickered, pillowy, feel-good way so that it seems just fine and harmless. But it is not harmless.
This is a movement that inspires, provokes, and reinforces self-harm to the utmost degree.
Imagine your child, Little Jimmy has an exploratory kick. Most children live a life of exploration, testing boundaries, and developing an understanding of the best ways to live in modern human society and the best ways to act—the best things to say and do in order to fulfill basic needs and derive happiness and pleasure. Little Jimmy has been raised as a boy by his loving parents, and one day wants to see what happens if he wears his sister’s skirt. Sometimes he claims he’s a power ranger or a Marvel superhero because it’s fun. Today, he wants to claim he’s Superwoman because she’s pretty cool, and he just saw a movie with her in it. What happens next?
Immediately, all of the adults in his life start asking him new questions about his gender. He’s never heard these questions before. When he responds to them that he is just doing what he wants, they all start to reinforce his sexuality as a female, as a girl. He gets all sorts of rewards– favoritism, attention, food– for talking and thinking about how he is actually a girl. What the adults are doing is conditioning him to act and think like a girl.
Little Jimmy is reinforced in his identity as a girl, all because he saw a movie with a female lead and wanted to experiment. Rather than allow Little Jimmy to experiment and make up his own mind about his identity, the adults in his life decided to promote, project and reinforce a female identity onto Little Jimmy– an identity opposite to his birth sex.
Why did the adults do this? They’ve been caught up in the transhumanist cult. They think it’s right and cool. They think this is progress. They might also believe so strongly in climate change ideologies that they believe depopulation is the best way forward. Most likely, they are so caught up in the propaganda webcast by the transhumanists that they haven’t even thought of the long-term consequences. They’re too busy with their day-to-day screens, celebrity news, and cultural fads.
What about Little Jimmy’s parents? If they don’t play along with the charade put on by their teachers, doctors, and community, they get attacked. Something that has been coined a matrix attack. That is when information channels, like mobile apps, internet search engine results, social media feeds, and even sound speakers in the immediate vicinity become avenues for sophisticated AI algorithms and militarized signals intelligence attacks. Not only do the parents get targeted in this attack, but everyone who they are in contact with on a normal basis is targeted with signals so that when certain planned events occur– like a doctor’s visit, a legal proceeding in a court of law, or a meeting with a school principal– all of the people in the interaction have been essentially programmed (typically without their full knowledge) to react and proceed in certain ways.
This is advanced generation signals intelligence, and it is in use by the governments of advanced countries worldwide. Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft are complicit and potentially involved in these matrix attacks. Potentially certain transhumanist NGOs are also involved as perpetrators. Certainly, a range of NGOs, individuals, and corporations are in place as tools of these attacks, mostly without their knowledge and understanding of the roles they play in reinforcing transhumanist ideology.
In the most sophisticated matrix attacks, it would be extremely difficult for the parents to be able to enforce their will on their own children. In some cases that have been reported in the news media in Canada and the USA (so who knows if they have actually happened in real life), parents have lost custody of their own children for attempting to assert their legally protected parental rights. This is absolutely abhorrent and revolting that parents are being undermined and their children taken from them for resisting the transhumanist cult.
Before Little Jimmy knows it, after a few years, he’s been sold puberty blockers, which destroy his natural biological, hormonal balances. They give him severe psychological illnesses, but his community doesn’t refer to these issues as illnesses. They are simply conditions to be diagnosed and prescribed meditation. Socially, Little Jimmy becomes programmed to think that the best way forward is for him to have a sex change. And he becomes… Little Jenny. Except he is not a natural girl. In other times, this was called castration. But now, it’s called gender transitioning, and there is a vast range of social support networks that encourage this.
Of course, transitioning has massive long-term negative results, and it always has. Transitioners typically are highly prone to clinical depression and suffer a massively high risk of suicide. They are typically pharmaceutical customers for life, and their overall lifespan is significantly shortened. For the transhumanist leaders, who are typically tied, associated with, or beholden to pharmaceutical corporations, this is perfect. It reduces the risk of economic competition in their industries, and it ensures captive customers.
If the transhumanist cult is not checked, we will see another Holocaust, and it will be many times worse. It is already in the planning stages, and open war has already begun. The most challenging aspect of this cult is that most of the people sympathetic to the transhumanist ideology do not fully understand the scope of the entire transhumanist agenda and its aims and consequences. They are caught up in the rainbow packaging and feel-good nonsense of their propaganda campaigns.
It’s time to push back against the transhumanist movement before it can further take hold.