Well, I guess this answers The Question of “what is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist?”

This is the question that has been around for a while now that many high level Democrats refused to answer.  Now, as we are seeing, they’re fine in coming out of the Communist closet (as it were).  As Steve pointed out, “Democrat Socialist” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won her Congressional District Primary in NY by knocking off a long term (and in line,perhaps, to replace Pelosi as the next Speaker of the US House IF the Democrat/Socialists take over the House). Hey, the “Progressive” (actually Socialists) Caucus in the US House is the largest group the Democrats have – and have been advocating for a stealth coup of the US Constitutional values for years. And this weekend, with all of protests of those that patrol and defend our border, the Democrat Left has basically got into everyone’s faces in telling the rest of us we are racists for supporting ICE and the Border police and if you have “evolved” away from American values, the Democrat Socialists of America (that Red Rose below is their logo – it’s red due to all of the Socialist victims that were collateral damage during their Long Marches to Utopias that never existed or attained) are demanding you vote for them:

DSA Abolish Prosecute ICE Vote Socialist

“Abolish and Prosecute ICE” – I don’t even get 

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Has the Democrat Party Openly Embraced – “No ban. No wall. No borders at all”?

US-Mexico_border_fenceRemember “Occupy Wall Street?” How about “Black Lives Matter (BLM)?” “The Women’s March?” Do you know what they have in common? They are all progressive movements within the radical left crafted to create media sensationalism so that so-called main-stream Democrat politicians can use their ‘outcry’ to push far-left policy prescriptions.

Would you be surprised to discover that the hew and cry over “separating families” at the border is no different?

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“The politicization of everything”

Concord_Monitor_logoBill Bunker, a conservative commentor over at the Concord Monitor (yes, there are a few!) actually had an Op-Ed piece published by said paper by the name above (reformatted, emphasis mine):

…Politics spills into every aspect of our society, including sports, entertainment, faith, education and even corporate America. No aspect of our lives is immune from toxic political sewage spewing from those with an agenda, ideology and thirst for power. What brings fans together at a sporting event is the game. Uniting behind our favorite team, we find common ground and sameness. We can be of a different race, economic class, gender, politics or faith, and we meet on common ground. Politics has eroded and is ruining that tiny bit of unity.

Athletes and media outlets like ESPN abuse their powerful celebrity pulpit, destroying what little common unity many of us have left. Subtle suggestions of our supposed racism and sexism in Super Bowl ads is a prime example of politics permeating the institution of sports and pitting one fan against the other.

My comment is after the jump and wouldn’t you know it, two sad examples of injecting Progressive politics showed up today:

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Getting outside the echo chamber: “The Right opposes Social Security because…every person has worth….” Part 2

The Right opposes Social Security because it is based on the social democratic idea that every person has worth, even if they are too old to work, and that no one should live in poverty.

And so we debate!  I received Professor Joseph Schwartz’s opening remarks on the defense of this line written by Maria Svart, National Director of the Democrat Socialists of America.  Tomorrow I will post my response:

3/11/13:  Prof. Schwartz

The democratic left has always supported collective means of social insurance, such as publicly-funded (through equitable taxation) universal health care, old-age pensions, disability insurance, and unemployment insurance. We support all citizens being covered because both the rich and poor, young and old get sick or disabled and they often don’t have jobs or the purchasing power to cover themselves thru individual insurance. The right has always resisted the implementation of social insurance and always fights to “privatize” it as much as possible, arguing that individuals should have the foresight (and “the freedom”) to insure themselves (or those who pay in more should get better coverage).

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Irony – do you see it?

Aw, cry me a river of tears!  I got this from a friend (wink, wink) from the National Director for Socialist Youths division of the Democrat Socialists of America.  Does anyone else see the irony in the plea ( reformatted, emphasis mine) Invest Your Socialist Cash in the Future: Youth Scholarship Fund Running Low If … Read more

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