The Republicans They Are Losing!

The New Hampshire GOP has run amok. It has gone lawless and rouge. If its elections were those of any government agency, Stephen Stepanek, Elliot Gault, Joe Sweeney, and Attorney Bryan Gould would likely be facing criminal charges. But since the New Hampshire Republican Committee is a “club,” they can tamper with elections and commit fraud with impunity.

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Bloomberg purchase a new set of questions

At this point, Bloomberg should consider buying something else

UPDATE: Bloomberg has suspended his run for the Presidency. I knew I kept that picture around for a reason – just not the one I thought I’d be using it for. Michael Bloomberg’s run for the Presidency went bankrupt right at the first debate when Elizabeth Warren put on her Tulsi Gabbard mask and politically … Read more

Constitutional convention: yea or nay?

Constitutional Convention: Yea or Nay?

In 2012 New Hampshire’s legislature passed a Concurrent Resolution requesting an Article V Constitutional Convention of States, one of the two ways to amend the Constitution. ‘We’ did this, requesting a Balanced Budget Amendment to the US Constitution, in 1979 also, and a handful of times before that for other various reasons. On Wednesday, the … Read more

NH Dems Diversity Olympics

The New Hampshire Democrats submitted their plan for delegate selection to the National Democrat Party, and it was accepted.  The 76-page document (76 pages?) can be read here. Luckily they included comments at the end on the overall delegate selection rules put forth by the DNC. Some, including Senate President Donna Soucy (D- Manchester) are … Read more

GrokTALK! “J-Ho Must Go”

George Lambert announces his campaign to organize a special meeting of party voting delegates who will be asked to defend the abuses and usurpations of their leadership or replace the party Chair.  We also talk about how Senator Kelly Ayotte’s meddling comes with a political price, and how the NH GOP is chasing the Massachusetts … Read more

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