Greta Thunberg

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words”

by Skip

Yeah, sure thing, Greta. This is the problem with the First World – problems we think are existential pale with those in the developing or Third World countries.  Greta thinks her life is ruined? What about those other children shown in that collage below.  Would Greta be willing to swap places with them?  Very doubtful, … Read more

Majory Stoneman Douglas High School gun free zone

Parkland Massacre – Investigating Panel recommends arming teachers. Heads exploding in 3…2…1…

by Skip

Wow!  Just wow! What is Parkland kiddie David Hogg going to do about this? A breath of fresh reality (reformmated, emphasis mine):

Florida school massacre panel recommends arming teachers

The panel investigating the Florida high school massacre recommended Wednesday that teachers who volunteer and undergo extensive background checks and training be allowed to carry concealed guns on campus to stop future shootings. The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission voted 13-1 to recommend the Legislature allow the arming of teachers, saying it’s not enough to have one or two police officers or armed guards on campus. Florida law adopted after the Feb. 14 shooting that left 17 dead allows districts to arm non-teaching staff members such as principals, librarians and custodians — and 13 of the 67 districts do, mostly in rural parts of the state.

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, the commission’s chairman, pushed the measure at the Tallahassee meeting. He said most deaths in school shootings happen within the first few minutes, before officers on and off campus can respond. He said suspect Nikolas Cruz stopped to reload his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle five times, all of which would have been opportunities for an armed teacher to shoot him.

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Hogg Fit to be Tied Over “Haley’s” Pricey Drapes. Problem? Obama Admin Bought Them.

The New York Times buried a Hogg trap inside a recent article on Ambassador Nikki Haley. The headline reads, “Nikki Haley’s View of New York Is Priceless. Her Curtains? $52,701.” A Rootin-Tootin Media Hogg named David saw that and whipped out his virtue-signaling sicks-shooters to unload on the U.S. Ambassador to the UN.

There are starving children in America everyday and you have the audacity to misappropriate thousands of tax dollars for your own lavish lifestyle. Resign immediately.

Six paragraphs into the Times piece we find out that Haley, Trump, and The State Department “inherited the extravagant window coverings” from the previous administration.

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David Hogg Continues to Protest Gun Rights with Armed Security

The NRA took a few “free shots” at the Media Hogg after he showed up to “protest” the NRA with armed security.

“Our social team chatted up the crowd and ended the day with ice cream paid for by @Everytown! Stay tuned for video interviews,” the NRA wrote.

Kyle Kashuv, a Parkland high school shooting survivor who supports gun rights, chuckled on Twitter, “When @NRA employees take ice cream from @Everytown to own the libs.”

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Never Beg

The left can’t just disagree. They seek and exploit any sign of weakness to destroy political opponents. Skip Murphy and I explore the topic by jumping off an article in Taki Mag by Davide Cole titled, “Memo to Laura Ingraham, Never Beg.” Find more ways to listen here.

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