“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words”

by Skip

Yeah, sure thing, Greta.

This is the problem with the First World – problems we think are existential pale with those in the developing or Third World countries.  Greta thinks her life is ruined? What about those other children shown in that collage below.  Would Greta be willing to swap places with them?  Very doubtful, in my opinion. Those are REAL examples of having childhoods stolen from children: hard work, long hours, barely getting by – even being child soldiers. She thinks she and her Friday-school-truants have life tough?  Or those kids that have traveled to Madrid to “show off” their advocacy?  Sorry kids, you’re just the side show when adults get together with anticipation of divvying up trillions of other peoples’ monies.

Right now, she’s one of the Beautiful People surrounded by a coterie of adults either wanting to bask in the light of being part of her entourage or happy that they are the marionettists. As with Parkland Kiddies, there is absolutely no way that a 16 year old of her background would have the wherewithal to be doing the things she is all by herself. Her time isn’t over yet but her admission that her year long activism has come to nothing and that remark pertaining to put world leaders up against the wall (apologized for and blamed on second language translation errors) may have already been red flags to those adults that it may be time to start thinking “the jig is up with this one”.

A few more months and she may be like David Hogg and former monsterously famous rock bands – not more world stage, no more stadium gigs – relegated to an occasional mention and play small town “intimate” venues. The klieg lights will be gone, her time done. And meanwhile, she’ll find herself one or two grades behind her cohort, even more isolated.

Why have I been so hard on her lately?  First off, I’m angry at other adults who have all but thrown themselves (literally, figuratively, or rhetorically) who have put herself into this situation.  That said, I’m tired of being lectured to by some child who thinks that her immaturity outweighs the experience (and with some) and wisdom of those far exceeding her years.  She has experienced little compared to senior citizens – how DARE she believe that her stunted world view gives her the high ground to tell them how to live their lives? Has she graduated with a diploma, has she had a job where she has diligently put in the long hours and hard times? She hasn’t had a family and have had to care for them in good times and bad, right? And it is clear she has no idea of how a single government works (like in her own little Sweden) much less when most of the world’s governments are snorting around in the pig pen all rooting for free money and a UN that continues to try to be the Big Dog.

So no, I will continue to do so.

BTW, where is David Hogg, or Cindy Sheehan nowadays?

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