Mollie Hemingway The Federalist

Notable Quote – Where is the Courage to be Fearless and DO something!

Reformatted, emphasis mine: The conservative establishment, its politicians, and its media, don’t lack ideas or people. But too many of its leaders do lack determination and endurance and fearlessness. The people can tell. As it is said, “Men don’t follow titles, they follow courage.” The conservative movement in D.C. has too often been engaged in … Read more

Might This Explain Gracie Gato? “Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet?”

And if 50% under 30 are in trouble, there’s a fair chance that those older may have issues as well?  I dunno – I’m not a psychologist and I don’t play one here on the ‘Grok. The opening paragraph, though, sums it up pretty well: A 2020 Pew Research study reveals that over half of … Read more

Fractured America

And you don’t think that the country is having an ideological split?

Sure thing, Democrat Prez Wannabees – there ain’t no way, no how, that you can “unite” the country.  You’re all so Left you might as well be stationing yourselves off the mainland and in the Pacific.  Do you really thing that just because you would be King Queen an Imperial President that those of us … Read more

Union Leader is breathless in announcing it is no longer a conservative paper

Norm just took the Union Leader to task: But more importantly, the Union Leader is dying, or some would say it is already dead, based on how they actually fill their news “hole,” that is the portion of the paper supposedly devoted to real news and not ads. The Union Leader was once thought of as … Read more

An entitled, precious, little snowflake

I’m not staying where I’m not welcome, by Abby Shepherd Sorry, but not sorry for any “entitlement” you think others owe you. And sorry – not sorry for not showing much sympathy as you people have given me compassion fatigue for all of the littlest details of life that are normally called “adulting” Sidenote: seriously, … Read more

Notable Quote – Mark Levin

So why didn’t Chairman Issa hold an investigative hearing a year ago? Why didn’t Chairman Camp, all Republicans, hold an investigative hearing a year ago, and all the other tripping over themselves right now? I’ll tell you why. Because the establishment Republicans, the RINO Republicans, despise the Tea Party. They despise the conservative movement. We … Read more

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