House session 05-30-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (5/30/24)?

Today, we learned that we voted either Concur, Non-Concur, or Non-Concur with Committee of Conference (CoC) on 93 House bills and 20 Senate bills. Most bills passed the recommended motion of the committee chair with a voice vote. Some bills and their amendments were debated, and others were voted on with just a brief explanation of what the Senate’s fingerprints… I mean, amendments… were tacked onto the bills.

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House Session

Your State House 06/23/23: Committees of Conferences – the Winddown

This week, we met in committees of conference. Since the budget was agreed without one, the atmosphere was much less stressed than previous years. My committee’s bills had generated six committees, and as chair, I served on four of them… HB 358, my bill on the administrative rules process, had a three-part Senate amendment. The … Read more

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