
DISQUS Doodlings – Eco-Socialist is Angry at his Capitalist Brother’s Success

Peter D. Mare has issues and they don’t just lay in the realm of economic theory. He seriously has brother anger.  However, he comes off as certainly being an eco-Socialist. Eco because he’s at Treehugger and Socialist for his world-class envy outlook.

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For all of the Democrat yammering about getting money out of politics…

First we had the newly minted millionaire Bernie Sanders grumbling about billionaires Tom Steyer and now Michael Bloomberg in the Democrat Primary. And now millionaire Elizabeth “You didn’t build that” Warren is doing the same thing: Warren Slams Bloomberg 2020 Run: Billionaires Shouldn’t ‘Come and Buy Elections’ Democratic 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren took aim at … Read more

Notable Quote – Cluelessness of Bernie Sanders

A special edition for Bruce Currie – our loyal opposition here at GraniteGrok and self-admitted Berni-Bro: “I’m disgusted by the idea that Michael Bloomberg or any other billionaire thinks they can circumvent the political process and spend tens of millions of dollars to buy our elections. It’s just the latest example of a rigged political … Read more

Town Administrator Scott Dunn finally faces political reality

Well, I guess that the heat got turned up real hot!  Remember Town Administrator Scott Dunn’s response to me when I asked him to apologize to the citizen who he maligned in a Letter to the Editor (and my complaint to the Selectman Kevin Hayes here)

On 12/27/2011 8:10 AM, Scott Dunn wrote:

Dear Mr. Murphy,

I respectfully decline to comply with your demand that I apologize to Mrs. Aichinger.

Nonetheless, I thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts.


Scott J. Dunn, Town Administrator
Town of Gilford

47 Cherry Valley Road
Gilford, NH  03249
TEL:   603.527.4700
FAX:  603.527.4711

A blow off, if I’ve ever seen one.  Well, I guess he had to change his tune based on the fire storm of objections (from both the Right and the Left here in town).  No, not necessarily directed specifically at him, but to his bosses: Selectmen Gus Benevides, Kevine Hayes, and John O’Brien (Chair).  Not only did he make the front page / above the fold story in this headline (Wednesday’s Laconia Sun (P. 4) ):

Dunn offers Apology to Aichinger for 2 homes on GI crack

he had another Letter  as well as (where GI is Governor’s Island where a number of folks who have earned success have either year round homes or vacation homes):

To the editor,

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A response to Gilford Selectman Kevin Hayes concerning Town Administrator Scott Dunn

So, from the last exchange, we see that the Selectmen, a la Occupy Wall Street philosophy, have no problem in targeting a citizen just because they can classify that citizen as “part of the 1%).  Certainly, we see this emanating from the Oval Office and from the Progressive Caucus in Congress – how DARE the successful not pay their fair share and how cold hearted they must be to want smaller government (which would be less expensive and cost them less in taxes).  My response to that:

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Gilford, NH Town Administrator Scott Dunn has a response to my email – and Selectman Kevin Hayes

Well, it seems that the saga of officials from the Town of Gilford slagging a private citizen simply because she is holding them account and she has done well financially due to hard work, good ideas, and good decisions.  From this post, let me remind of this from Town Administrator Scott Dunn (writing in his official capacity):

Fact # 9 — There are no town employees who own two homes on Governor’s Island with a total assessed value in excess of $2.6-million.

where he is trying to make an example and a target of derision.  My response was “I am demanding a public apology to Ms. Aichinger for your lowbrow and low class tactic“.  Well, I got a reply – and frankly, it was short, sweet, to the point, and is ready to double down:

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Gilford, NH Town Administrator Scott Dunn believes insulting town taxpayer is part of his job description – but so do the Selectmen!

In this past Saturday’s edition of the Laconia Daily Sun (pg. 4), the Gilford Town Administrator Scott Dunn decided that insulting a town taxpayer was well within his purview simply because she asks hard questions,  demands answers, and is willing to go toe-to-toe on the discussions.  The relevant part of his Letter to the Editor was to play the Class Card in an attempt to shut her up; to embarras her by belittling her success.   This from a man  whose compensation is $94,275 in wages and $134,731 in toto; not shabby at all.  Anyways, the relevant part of the Letter is this (whole thing is after the jump):

Fact # 9 — There are no town employees who own two homes on Governor’s Island with a total assessed value in excess of $2.6-million.

And I laid into his absurd claim on “Fact” #8 that only the Public Sector has had to do more with less.  As a blogger, a member of the Gilford Budget Committee, and a Gilford taxpayer, I could not let either go unchallenged (added emphasis now):

To Town Administrator Dunn and Selectmen Benevides, Hayes, and O’Brien,

To say that my ire was raised as I read your letter, Mr. Dunn, is an understatement.  A citizen has the perfect right to address their concerns of their Town’s labor costs in a public forum as Ms. Aichinger has done.  In fact, it is one that I share.  Yes, factually, your Letter is correct, but it misses the mark in three very important areas.

None of your points address the relatively high unit labor cost that Gilford has overall compared to comparable towns (as my Salary Study showed a few years ago).   Again, while your noting that several positions no longer exist on the Town payroll, they have done nothing to address this fundamental and structural problem.  The cost of globalization has now reached the public sector – it is past time to recognize that simply cutting positions is the way to keep labor costs in line with what is happening with those that actually pay those high salaries – the taxpayers of Gilford.  Continued on to its illogical end, we could end up with one very highly paid employee that would yield a still “lower labor cost than last year” but the necessary work would not be accomplished.

Which brings me to my second point.  Your “Fact #8” is completely wrong (“Unlike the private sector”) – The private sector has dropped jobs far faster than the public sector, and because of the misdirected “Stimulus” monies that propped up Government spending, for a far longer period of time.  I believe you have missed the chart outlining how much more productive the private sector has had to become – economic output has all but regained its previous recession levels but with millions of fewer workers.  It has found a way to continue the same level of output, and more, with fewer hands to actually do the work because it HAD to – either they meet the constraints placed upon them by the Marketplace or they go went of business.  You have a choice, Mr. Dunn – either more people at a lower cost to do the work or fewer number at higher costs – you have chosen the latter.  Which, at some point, will become more and more untenable just as it became in the private sector.

The worst, however, is that you used your position to publicly humiliate a private citizen by using the property holdings of Ms. Aichinger as a club – how DARE you!  Yes, assessments are public information but you have used that information to belittle someone that pays your salary (and, to keep in the same vein – BOTH of your retirement programs) and attempted to publicly discredit someone who is simply trying to advocate for taxpayers.  Did the Selectmen approve a contract clause that permits that kind of activity?  You already tried to do this with your comment of “no town employee owns two homes on Governor’s Island” in a lame attempt to play the Class Card – you have now done so again.  That is NOT what I expect from Gilford’s Town Administrator – which is how you signed your Letter (and not as a private citizen).

I am demanding a public apology to Ms. Aichinger for your lowbrow and low class tactic.  Failing that, I will not run for the School Board as originally planned but run for re-election for the Budget Committee instead and urge Ms. Aichinger to run for the Budget Committee as well.  Then we can both “talk some facts” during the next budget cycle – I bet that would overjoy you.

Skip Murphy

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