Stripper Pole

San Diego Ordered to Allow Strip Clubs to Open – Churches, Not Yet.

If you own a strip club in San Diego you just won your day in court. The city, which has allowed restaurants and bars to open had prohibited adult entertainment facilities from enjoying similar treatment. But a judge just told the city to loosen up.

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Religious Freedom and Free Exercise

Religious freedom and free exercise of religion are prominent in the First Amendment. Coronavirus response has, among other things brought on a very intense, national debate. Yes, people are continuing to discuss the wisdom of lockdowns.

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Are Muslims Receiving Violent Threats Over In-Person Worship During State Lockdowns?

The media double-standard when it comes to worship is on full display. A TV crew in Raleigh North Carolina recently recorded churchgoers attending an in-person service. After it aired the church reportedly received more than 100 hate messages and several threats of violence.

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Joe Biden Opposed “Irrational” Texas Gun Law that Saved Lives

Texas of all places had to pass a law to allow you to carry concealed in a place of worship. While there were probably a few folks violating any such restriction prior, Gov. Abbott’s signature opened the door to more of it, which just saved a lot of lives.

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Beto O’Rouke – Govt WILL mandate what your belief is. HE will decide what you believe in – not your Scriptures.

“Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” -Hillary Clinton. Robert Francis (culture appropriator of “Beto”) O’Rourke certainly agrees.  He’s like a swinging machine gun with Progressive “bullets of infringements” as he struggles for any kind of foot hold … Read more

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