San Diego Ordered to Allow Strip Clubs to Open – Churches, Not Yet.

If you own a strip club in San Diego you just won your day in court. The city, which has allowed restaurants and bars to open had prohibited adult entertainment facilities from enjoying similar treatment. But a judge just told the city to loosen up.

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Judge Joel R. Wohlfeil granted a request for a temporary injunction that stops “any government entity or law enforcement officer from enforcing the provisions of the cease-and-desist orders” filed against two establishments — Pacers Showgirls International and Cheetahs Gentlemen’s Club — provided both locations follow extensive measures designed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus on their premises.


Not too loose. But they apparently won on the idea that the cities cease and desist order against them, violated “the businesses’ constitutional rights of due process and equal protection under the law.”

The ruling has religious folks wondering if there might be room for them to go back to holding services on the idea that, “If strip clubs are entitled to constitutional protections, then churches are as well.”

You think?

Here in New Hampshire, we’re surrounded by fearmongering lefties. In a recent email from RiseUp NH, the observed that,

  • Already in Vermont, Governor Scott has announced severe lockdowns, a ban on inter-family gatherings, the closure of bars and social clubs, the cancellation of recreational sports leagues, and further contact tracing mandates.
  • In Massachusetts, Governor Baker has issued an order that everyone has to wear a mask in all public places, even outside, and even when they can maintain 6 feet of distance. The only exception to this rule is if you can get a doctor’s note.
  • Joe Biden is already planning more lockdowns and a national mask mandate while he puts together his own Coronavirus task force that has little professional experience with pandemics.

As predicted, public health has become Samuel for tyranny and the vampires sucking away your freedoms are hungry for more. Follow the link for more news and resources.

As for Churches in San Diego, hope is important but this California. Preaching outside an abortion clinic is offensive but Jesus in a jar of piss is art.

We’ll pray for you.


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