Just this week, it’s come out that one-time Hollywood darling turned anti-establishment psychopath Russell Brand is a serial rapist. Was a serial rapist a while back anyway. That is before he got re-married, lost his mind, and started shilling for the alt-right on the professional misinformation platform Rumble, which is around the time he raped me.
Christine Blasey-Ford
Lev Parnas, The Left’s Latest Impeachment Hero, Lied
I’ve lost count. How many “I have you now” moments have the left (Democrats, the Media) unleashed about Trump? To fawning praise and wall-to-wall coverage. Dozens, hundreds, all for what? The word you seek is naught. So, it is no surprise that Lev Parnas, the latest bombshell, is another dud.
Note to the Media: Silence in the Face of Evil is Itself Evil
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer Media coverage of Kavanaugh stories is political hackery, smears.
CBS Broadside on NYT Kavanaugh Smear Leaves Old Gray Lady a Smoking Wreck
CBS just committed an act of Journalism. The New York Times hit hardest. With the weekend of hyperbolic left-wing ranting about impeaching the Justice Kavanaugh not far behind. And, yes, I said, CBS News.
ICYMI – “I was Sexually Assaulted by Bill Clinton”
Not me personally, though the way Democrat women dismiss (and mistreat) WJ Clinton’s accusers is a form of assault. No, I am referring to Leslie Millwee who, in 1980, was an attractive young 20-year old TV reporter in Arkansas. Bill Clinton was the Governor. Guess what happens next?
A Quick Thought on The Latest Kavanaugh Allegations
by The Editors
Judge Brett Kavanaugh was accused of some sort of misbehavior thirty years ago by a woman no one had heard of until this past week. So, what do we know and what do we need to know?
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