I’ve lost count. How many “I have you now” moments have the left (Democrats, the Media) unleashed about Trump? To fawning praise and wall-to-wall coverage. Dozens, hundreds, all for what? The word you seek is naught. So, it is no surprise that Lev Parnas, the latest bombshell, is another dud.
Parnas is probably going to prison. For, believe it not, using money from Ukraine to influence US elections.
Mind you, Parnas is currently trying to stay out of jail (and perhaps to flee the country, according to prosecutors) while awaiting trial for big charges on campaign finance violations. Prosecutors accuse him of a conspiracy that involved using money from Ukraine to influence U.S. elections, candidates for office, and elected officials.
He is following in the footsteps of Michael Cohen. Commit some crimes. Get caught. Announce you have dirt on Trump to media praise and adulation. Work it.
Cohen lied, got convicted, and got three years in Federal Prison. Parnas is on the same path to ‘success.’ Scooping up some attention, a bit of cash for the family, or for after he gets out and maybe even a book advance. Because lying for the left pays even in prison. For what Democrats have insisted for years is the worst thing ever — using foreign nations to meddle in a US election.
Parnas did it. Obama did it. Trump didn’t.
Parnas didn’t stalk Marie Yovanovitch (The Left’s 2019’s Christine Blasey-Ford ‘It Girl’) for Trump either. He said he did. Parnas said he spoke to the President about it. The left went nuts. We have you now! No, you don’t.
Parnas never spoke to the President. He lied about it. And that means he is lying about a lot of things. This makes him a perfect hero for the left and the media, which will forever advertise the lie and hide the truth.
Image: The EpochTimes