Steve “Pocket-Stalin” Shurtleff Disgraces Himself and Makes a Mockery of the N.H. House By Holding Soviet-Style Show Trials

Yesterday Speaker Steve Shurtleff earned the moniker I use for him … Pocket-Stalin … by spending half a day conducting Soviet-style show-trials of the handful of GOP Reps who had the courage of their convictions NOT to attend the House’s reeducation camps (House Rule 67). In a recent post, I demonstrated that House Rule 67 … Read more

Paging Senator Feltes

Paging Senator Feltes! Better Call Your Office!

Whoops! Senator Dan Feltes’ campaign has been running ads with blatant lies…. and NHPR caught him in the act! NHPR: Feltes Says He’s Not Taking ‘Corporate Contributions,’ But Records Show Otherwise Senator Dan Feltes, a gubernatorial hopeful, has been running ads railing against PAC and LLC donations. The trouble is, he’s been taking them himself … Read more

Concord Monitor Fake-Reporter Stands With NHPR Fake-Reporter

This: I awarded McDimwit third place in my 2017 #FakeNews awards: THIRD PLACE:  Casey McDermott for her article on December 5th titled, Women Lobbyists, Legislators Describe Coping with Harassment at N.H. State House.  The article detailed horrifying examples of sexual harassment at the New Hampshire State House such as -brace yourself- a lobbyist being asked out … Read more

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