Marriage and the NHGOP


By Carolyn McKinney – (Reposted)

To advocates for removing “traditional” from marriage in the NHGOP platform.

First, you are guilty of using the most frustrating and pernicious leftist debate tactic.

To try to make your case, you use examples outside the norm – such as families who adopt, grandparents raising their grandchildren, single parents due to the death of a spouse – in an attempt to undermine the norm. It’s no different than those who are pro-abortion trying to undermine opposition to abortion by raising rare cases of rape and incest, or more recently, using the existence of intersex persons to try to undermine natural sex/gender.

Many of us have friends or family whose situation is exactly one of those examples, but their efforts are a compassionate response to a crisis, not something that we should set as a legal standard.

Second, articulating an ideal is not exclusionary.

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Republicans Against Free Speech

NHGOP Woodshed
Taking them out to the Woodshed again…

Carolyn McKinney’s rebuttal to “some Republicans” pushing to remove the word ‘traditional’ as a qualifier to the word ‘marriage’ in the New Hampshire Republican State Platform is brilliant. It’s so good those Republicans don’t want you to read it. (If you have problems with the above link the piece is also cross-posted here.)

Somone or perhaps a few someones are flagging every effort to post this on Facebook as in violation of Facebook’s rules making it difficult to share.

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RLCNH Releases Endorsements & Recommendations for 2012


Media Contact: Carolyn McKinney, chairman, RLCNH, 603-769-4264,

In Order to Ensure Best Republicans Win Primaries, RLCNH Introduces New ‘Recommended’ Candidate Level

CONCORD, N.H.—With the premiere of its Legislative Scorecard that rates representatives and senators on their faithfulness to conservative values, the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire is setting a new bar for incumbents that will hold them accountable to the only political direction that will ensure liberty and prosperity in New Hampshire.

“The RLCNH intends to drive the agenda for the Republican Party in the coming years, and our new scorecard will be one of the tools that we use for this end,” said Carolyn McKinney, chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire. “While we still intend to promote the best outcome for Republican primary elections by recommending candidates who perform well on our incumbent scorecard or candidate survey, we will only endorse and actively support candidates who have truly exhibited a strong commitment to the principles that make our state and country great. Our endorsements will be reserved for the best of the best.”

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As Morally Repugnant as The Healthcare Plantation or How About Economic Collapse?

Statton Rice of Wolfboro finds it morally repugnant that someone might object to legal plunder to advance the Democrat Health care agenda.  In a  recent editorial (Concord Monitor) Rice wheels out the moral outrage in an attack on RLCNH chairman Carolyn McKinney.   Here is the closing paragraph.

Apparently, McKinney does not realize that there are citizens in this state who can’t eat, heat their home, drive to work, pay for child care and also buy a “free market” health insurance policy. There is something morally repugnant in her plan to deny health insurance to these citizens in order to express her dislike for the Affordable Care Act and the man who signed it into law. At least, she shouldn’t brag about it.

Note to Statton Rice.  The only way they would not be able to eat is if they tried to sign up for food stamps from NH HHS without the required picture ID.

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RLCNH Chairman Carolyn McKinney on the proposed education funding amendment

Carolyn McKinney, Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire

Damn. This lady is looking more and more like New Hampshire’s own version of Michelle Malkin. Some Republicans—even some good ones—are supporting CACR-12, the proposed state constitutional amendment which would constitute a state takeover of education and guarantee unending future pressure for ever-more spending and ever-higher taxes. In explaining why we must oppose the harmful and unacceptable proposal, McKinney breathes fire:

“I am looking realistically at this situation. I cannot tell the future, and neither can you. You can guess that there might be a point in time where the court may mandate additional state funding of education, and you can guess that a legislature will go along with the court. And you can gamble away your liberty, hedging your bets that someday that may happen and reacting out of fear.

And who knows what will be feasible in 5 years, 10 years, or 18 years from now? If I have anything to do with it (and the Free State Project continues to attract good constitutionalists like Andrew Manuse, Laura Jones, and others)…

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