Damn. This lady is looking more and more like New Hampshire’s own version of Michelle Malkin. Some Republicans—even some good ones—are supporting CACR-12, the proposed state constitutional amendment which would constitute a state takeover of education and guarantee unending future pressure for ever-more spending and ever-higher taxes. In explaining why we must oppose the harmful and unacceptable proposal, McKinney breathes fire:
“I am looking realistically at this situation. I cannot tell the future, and neither can you. You can guess that there might be a point in time where the court may mandate additional state funding of education, and you can guess that a legislature will go along with the court. And you can gamble away your liberty, hedging your bets that someday that may happen and reacting out of fear.
And who knows what will be feasible in 5 years, 10 years, or 18 years from now? If I have anything to do with it (and the Free State Project continues to attract good constitutionalists like Andrew Manuse, Laura Jones, and others)…
…everything we dream of WILL be feasible in the future. The fact is that we really don’t know what the future holds, and we can’t let fear of the future scare us into doing something that is contrary to our principles.
But I know for sure that this action at this time guarantees a loss of our liberty. And I will not take a guaranteed loss on a gamble that something bad might happen in the future. Call that hope, call it faith, call it whatever you want. I don’t intend to give up this fight (that is my PLAN, not just the hope part), and I pray that the RLCNH can make a significant enough difference in swaying future legislatures to make sure that they don’t go along with a court mandate, should it come to that (which again, is not guaranteed). We once again plan to work our tails off to elect the best legislators possible. And come legislative season, we will once again work our tails off to shed light on the legislature and encourage them to do the right thing. We will not stop until there is liberty in our lifetime because as we all know here, eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.”