As Morally Repugnant as The Healthcare Plantation or How About Economic Collapse?

Statton Rice of Wolfboro finds it morally repugnant that someone might object to legal plunder to advance the Democrat Health care agenda.  In a  recent editorial (Concord Monitor) Rice wheels out the moral outrage in an attack on RLCNH chairman Carolyn McKinney.   Here is the closing paragraph.

Apparently, McKinney does not realize that there are citizens in this state who can’t eat, heat their home, drive to work, pay for child care and also buy a “free market” health insurance policy. There is something morally repugnant in her plan to deny health insurance to these citizens in order to express her dislike for the Affordable Care Act and the man who signed it into law. At least, she shouldn’t brag about it.

Note to Statton Rice.  The only way they would not be able to eat is if they tried to sign up for food stamps from NH HHS without the required picture ID.

Statton left out the “lefts” complicity of course but revels in glorious contradiction.  Almost everything in the editorial is exactly backwards.

For example, what is more morally repugnant?  Lying about the promise of healthcare, for everyone, more access, keeping your plan and your doctors, and saving money, or being honest about it?  Not one promise has turned out to be true.  The dollar figures were all wrong,  the cost estimates tiny compared to reality.   And we have every reason to believe that was done on purpose becasue we were saying the numbers were wrong from the beginning.

So this “promise” is as big or bigger lie than the progressives promises of Social Security, Welfare, Medicare,  Medicaid, glorious public pensions and retirements, all of which have fallen far short and are now on the verge of bankruptcy and collapse at both the state and national level; a collapse that will leave everyone who bought into the lie  (or was forced into it) with nothing becasue they believed like Statton does, that government can deliver on all of these past promises plus the ultimate goal of free single payer, government managed, health care.

If we liquidated the entire US economy we could not pay for what we have promised.  Can’t be done.  And the growth versus spending arc we are on now will only hasten the collapse.  Adding a trillion dollar annual health care bureaucracy will just accelerate the failure.  Stratton does not care.

But Statton’s crimes of ignorance do not stop there.

It reminds me of the South’s response to the federal civil rights legislation of the 1960s. Then, southern governors led the fight against letting the black citizens of their states eat at public lunch counters, attend all-white colleges, and vote. Now McKinney wants New Hampshire to emulate the southern governors who have declared that they will not extend health insurance to all of their citizens by expanding insurance coverage through Medicaid.

After the civil rights legislation of the 1960s, the Republicans took political control of the South from the Democrats.

Rice outright admits that the “southern governors who led the fight against black citizens….” we’re Democrats, driven from power to replaced by Republicans after the civil rights legislation of the 60’s.  And it was the Democrat Souths plantation mentality that tried to keep the black man down.  It was the Democrat plantation mentality of Woodrow Wilson that set race relations in the United States back an entire generation.  And now that people like Carolyn McKinney, who object to the lefts lure of another failed government Welfare program and it’s false promises, who is trying to warn people that this lie is no different than the others, who is promoting New Hampshire’s efforts to protect people from that lie, and are hoping to keep everyone, regardless of sex, race, religion off the Democrats new destined to fail HealthCare plantation, the Marxist Statton Rice can’t believe it.

Who would dare stand in opposition to such a glorious and inevitable failure as ObamaCare?  Carolyn McKinney must hate black people, she must hate the poor and the needy.  I’ll compare her to the Southern racist Democrat plantation culture sans the Democrat racists and call her morally repugnant.

Is it?

Statton Rice would lead them, happy in their ignorance, out onto the plank and into a sea of trouble, not becasue she is evil, or mean, or does not mean well, but becasue Rice  is blinded by the false utopian ideal that gave rise to every failed fascist and socialist regime which has preceded us.   The same kind of blindness that can ignore the $80 trillion in unfunded promises we already made that we cannot even now keep, the $16 trillion in operating debt, the trillion plus added annually, all the trillions in pensions and benefits all across the nation feeding upon a fiscal skeleton, and the dent service on all of it which is set to consume more by itself than any other “program” yet conceived of by statists, all  during a stagnating recession, to which these “optimists” would now add the cost of national health care program.

The cupboard has been borrowed way beyond bare, mother Hubbard.  If we could even cut spending and reorganize and change the existing systems we cannot afford now we might only failed tens of millions of people…if we are lucky.

Given these realities, it is very difficult to ignore the possibility that collapse and misery are not actually the goal.

We cannot afford the government we have now.  And “taxing the rich,” the “pay their fair share narrative” is just another lie to keep the baby quiet while the train careens over the cliff.   Blaming people, any people, who refuse to let it all collapse into chaos, who are trying to create some kind of oasis in the desert of progressive and left wing fiscal malfeasance, is either intentionally stupid or just gloriously ignorant.

It is obvious that the national government may be so punch-drunk with debt and regulations that it is almost literally beyond hope.  That leaves us with our States Constitutional rights of Nullification, interposition, and refusing any law or mandate that will harm the people of New Hampshire.  Not just the ones in need today, but everyone whose livelihoods will be sucked dry by the sink-hole that claws at us from Washington DC.  If we do not take strong measures, in cooperation with other like-minded states, and reinforce them with local leaders willing and able to tell the general government to go to hell, something morally repugnant will occur.   New Hampshire, the state with one of the lowest tax burdens, lowest crime rates, highest average wages, and highest qualities of life in the entire nation will be reduced to little more than a lean cow to be milked by cold and distant hands,  just another whistle-stop for the federal tax man to badger.

How about you go ahead and brag about that, Statton Rice?


The editorial

Statton Rice, Wolfeboro
July 17, 2012

It seems that Carolyn McKinney has read too much Ayn Rand. In her column, “N.H. in position to resist Obamacare” (Monitor Forum, July 12), she brags about the roadblocks the Legislature has built to prevent the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, recently ruled the law of the land by the Supreme Court.

It reminds me of the South’s response to the federal civil rights legislation of the 1960s. Then, southern governors led the fight against letting the black citizens of their states eat at public lunch counters, attend all-white colleges, and vote. Now McKinney wants New Hampshire to emulate the southern governors who have declared that they will not extend health insurance to all of their citizens by expanding insurance coverage through Medicaid.

After the civil rights legislation of the 1960s, the Republicans took political control of the South from the Democrats. Unfortunately, it appears they inherited a plantation mentality from their new party members.

Our Republican Legislature treats our citizens who are poor, handicapped, immigrants, college students, women, public employees, union members, welfare recipients, and so on, as field hands. House Speaker Bill O’Brien is the overseer who cracks a mean whip.

Apparently, McKinney does not realize that there are citizens in this state who can’t eat, heat their home, drive to work, pay for child care and also buy a “free market” health insurance policy. There is something morally repugnant in her plan to deny health insurance to these citizens in order to express her dislike for the Affordable Care Act and the man who signed it into law. At least, she shouldn’t brag about it.


Discolsure: Carolyn McKinney is the Chairman of the RLCNH on whose board I currently serve.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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