The Buses keep rolling. From Texas, Florida, and Arizona, the Governors are filling the buses with illegal immigrants and shipping them North. With destinations like the sanctuary cities of San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, and New York, the southern Border States have had enough, spent too much, and are making a point in a dramatic fashion that gets some attention.
And Right on Schedule, Here Comes the Bus(ES)! And AZ Votes “Misread”
Is “misread” the same as “misgendered”? I dunno – I get so confused with all the newly made up words the Left conjures up. But more on that in a bit. Buses. UNH. Actual or apocrophal? From a loyal reader: —— Original Message —— From: To:; Sent: 11/8/2022 10:50:07 AM Subject: UNH … Read more
Let’s Define a Crisis
Certain events should not require a political slant to define. For example, the Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster politically and militarily that will forever be a defining moment for a terrible President and administration.
CDC Mandates Masks Nationwide on All Public Transporation and Some Private (Rideshare).
The Center for Dystopian Chaos (CDC) has released new rules for the peasants. Ye shall wear a mask (over nose and mouth) on any conveyance or at or in any transportation hub. Air, bus, train, cab, and even rideshare services will be expected to enforce the rules.
Do the Math DemocRATS – Trump Did Win New Hampshire in 2016
This yesterday from Ray Buckley’s numero-uno go-to-guy in the local “press” … WMUR’s Johnny D as in Johnny DISHONEST (aka #FatLazyAndBiased).