State Seal of NH

Breaking Story – A Writ of Mandamus to the State of NH: Do Your Job Concerning Voting

We have been covering Dan Richard’s efforts to get the State of NH to do the only thing it is supposed to do. Simply this, which the NE Patriots’ football team made famous: DO YOUR JOB! It’s simple—real simple. Yet, it has taken years of hard work on the part of this one brave and … Read more

Windham NH logo

The Windham Incident: The AG Has some Questions…

PRESS RELEASE: September 16, 2021 – Windham, NH – On September 1, 2021, the attorney for the town of Windham received a four-page letter that contains a list of detailed questions regarding the town’s testing of their voting machines, as well as the handling of ballots.

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Accuvote OS ballot counter votng machine

Republican Leaders Protect ‘Dumb’ AccuVote Machines Controlled By Dominion

Relying on Dominion to tally New Hampshire’s votes is like trusting Bernie Madoff with our retirement funds. Ignoring what is possibly the greatest crime ever perpetrated against American citizens’ sacred right to vote…is unfathomable.

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Established A Presence??

voterfraudWhat is the most important qualification for voting in the State of New Hampshire? This puzzle has “confused” people for decades. One qualification is being 18 years of age – but then again – lots of people are 18 years of age.

So, there must be something else that would set a group of people above the age of 18 apart from all others when it comes to voting in our state.

Let’s check the first two most important sentences in Part 1 Article 11 of our State Constitution when it comes to voting:

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