Is Bud Light About to Have A Bill Gates Moment?

They say Bill Gates isn’t into beer, but he is a big fan of social engineering, viruses, farmland, lab-based meat, burying trees, and being a billionaire—oh, and “updates.” So the question of the day is, what inspired a nearly 100 million investment in Bud Light beleaguered Anheuser Busch?

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Promoted From The Comments: Bud Forgot Who is REALLY In Charge

Recall Prof. Sowell’s truism about minimum wages, that “The Real Minimum Wage is Zero” is talking about the person who DOESN’T get the job because the Government has artificially screwed up the Marketplace by hiking the cost of doing business.

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The Boycott Is Finally Taking a Bite Out of Bud

Persistence pays off, or in this case, costs the casually woke or indifferent. Bud is still scrambling to distance itself from an alleged third-party marketing mistake named Mulvaney, as the Wrath of Can begins to impact more than just Bud Light sales.

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Bud Light “Stand” at Crowded Red Sox Game Has No Customers

BUD’s stock price is still hanging in there. On March 31st, it was at $66.73, and Friday morning, it was set to open at $65.90 (closed Friday at 64.83). It’s been like that for weeks. Every time it gets near $63.00 per share, there’s a buying spree, and it pops back up, though not to the price before the Muvalney nonsense went wide.

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Despite Hyperbolic “Bud-Light-Sales-Are-Down Headlines” BUD Looks Fine…

If you search any variation of “Bud Light Sales down,” the results will look like a drunk guy peeing in an alley, as in, all over the place. Down 30%, 69%, and 80%. You will find fact-checks by major media outlets whose relationship with the truth is spotty at best. But are they wrong?

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