Recall Prof. Sowell’s truism about minimum wages, that “The Real Minimum Wage is Zero” is talking about the person who DOESN’T get the job because the Government has artificially screwed up the Marketplace by hiking the cost of doing business.
An otherwise potential aide to an organization is priced out, based on their skill sets (or lack thereof), for the economic worth of that job.
Companies aren’t job providers for the sake of giving someone a job. That’s just welfare, and companies aren’t in that business. They are in business to make a profit; making a profit tells the company owners/shareholders and managers that what the company is doing is properly serving their customers.
And that’s the nub of the problem – too many engaging in AND criticizing the American free market system (such as it is, as too much Government has intruded) have forgotten the First Rule of Capitalism: A company exists to serve the people that are its clients and consumers. When you don’t, even with all kinds of stupid platitudes to the contrary, the customer will move on.
We’ve had that real-world example in front of us – you don’t make fun of your customers and expect to “live long and profitable. As NHnative tells us over at “Billy Busch Offers to Buy BUD Back” (reformatted, emphasis mine):
I talked to the beer drinker in my world about all this recently.
You had a whole lot of middle-aged and older men that were loyal to that brown bottle. The ones that drank way too much of it that began having waistline issues had switched over to Bud Light…There was a whole lot of brand loyalty.. it was the beer they grew up on. A lot of these people hadn’t really strayed much- if at all.
BUT then they pissed that crowd off and they quit on them- which then set them free.
What they did was learned that there are just tons of other beers, ales, and hard cider, (have you seen the beer aisle lately at the grocery store?).
What this guy said to me was:
“Ya know, that beer is really sh*t beer and I didn’t realize how bad it was until I went out and tried all these others- I ain’t going back- why go back when there is all this other stuff out here that is much better and ain’t pushing a Tranny at me???“
What Bud Light did was give them a reason to quit– and once they did that, they saw that the grass is greener on the other sides of the beer aisle.. and they won’t be back and it’s for several reasons really- what they did combined with the fact that there are so many other products they like more now. So ‘Manly’ new ad campaigns are not going to have any impact at all on these people.
I think the real lessons here are ones that many of us old-timers know: You don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
The Political Activists that are running businesses need to learn that business and political activism are not necessarily a combination that is going to work for the entire market.
If you can get by on 50% of the population- then go for it.
But if making money is your goal, they you’ll need more than that and that means removing politics from the business.
“Give them a reason to quit” is what happened when it became known that the Political Activist at the head of all this, Alissa Heinerscheid, had dissed all of the blue-collar workers as “frat boys” and let the world know that she despised her current customers and wanted new ones. At that instant, she let us all know that she didn’t think that serving customers was important anymore. Customers believed her and acted accordingly.
You know, like the Democrats who despise the current American electorate (because we can’t stomach their condescending manners and their autocratic policies) are trying to import (by opening up our borders) a brand new one.