Bud Light “Stand” at Crowded Red Sox Game Has No Customers

BUD’s stock price is still hanging in there. On March 31st, it was at $66.73, and Friday morning, it was set to open at $65.90 (closed Friday at 64.83). It’s been like that for weeks. Every time it gets near $63.00 per share, there’s a buying spree, and it pops back up, though not to the price before the Muvalney nonsense went wide.

On paper, there’s no obvious reckoning, but that doesn’t mean one isn’t underway. People have stopped buying Bud Light (which I like to refer to as Blight).

The video was filmed during a four-game series between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Boston Red Sox this week.

Fans were lined up at a neighboring stand, leaving the Bud Light-stacked stand empty.





AB’s CEO has come out publicly and stated that there was no official campaign with Mulvaney. An advertising partner was responsible. And now AB is dumping a small fortune into supporting the Blight supply chain partners while promising a massive ad campaign over the summer to resuscitate the brand.

Funny thing. Isn’t that what Alissa Heinerscheid, the (former) VP for Blight marketing, said the Mulvaney thing was about? Building the brand among new demographics.

Ghosts. She must have meant ghosts.




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