In the original 1984 version of the movie Red Dawn, the communist invaders were actively looking for individuals who trained in a paramilitary organization. That was the Boy Scouts of America. Forty years later and the Left has infiltrated them, #Woke them, and broke them.
Boy Scouts of America
Whither the Boy Scouts of America?
A major goal of the left and its fellow-travelling PC Police seems to be the demolition of most of the traditional pillars of American culture and family values. The changes in the Boy Scouts of America, which used to be thought of as being like motherhood and apple pie, can serve as an excellent example … Read more
Scouts BSA (Formerly The Boy Scouts of America) Files for Bankruptcy
The wussification of Boys has been one of the more successful progressive projects of our lifetime. A track that had the feminists dancing widdershins when the Boy Scouts of America gave an inch, then a mile. First, it was openly gay Scouts, then gay Scoutmasters, and then girls. And now bankruptcy.
Wouldn’t this be a violation of the Scout Oath and Law? “Morally Straight”?
To set the stage, the Boy Scout Oath:
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
And the Boy Scout Law: A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
So how does the following square with the above? Especially when it is a Scout Leader deciding that the rules do not apply to him? From Big Government (reformatted, emphasis mine):
Despite a directive from a leader of the Great Salt Lake Council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), prohibiting scouts from advocating political or social positions, some scouts and adult supporters of Scouts for Equality wore their uniforms Sunday as they marched in Utah’s gay pride parade. The Utah Pride Parade in Salt Lake City came just a little more than a week after national delegates of the BSA approved allowing gay youth to become scouts. NBC News reports that Kenji Mikesell, an 18 year-old Eagle Scout and high school senior still active with his troop, said of his decision to wear his uniform in the parade, “It just feels like the right thing to do.”
Sigh. This is not a rant against the Boy Scouts nor against “gay pride”. It IS about the further co-opting of traditional groups and their values by an increasing militant pop culture that cannot allow such things to continue to exist. Of course, the latter has no problem being draped in those values – especially as they know that they are actually hollowing them from the inside – out.
“Morally Ambiguous” – And Secularists everywhere go “Amen!”
That used to be “Morally Straight” – kinda hard to be (or teach) as our society becomes more and more Secular – which is already leading to “situation ethics” or “relative morality”. This will result in a time there will be no absolute right and wrong – so how to hold people accountable for something that is obviously wrong but they simply say “No, it’s NOT!”?
There a tight connection between Cultural Marxism (aka Political Correctness) and being Morally Ambiguous in this case. Simple, really. Throw out the old religious tenets, which for centuries formed our moral foundation, and replace it with what ever we (Progressives) want it to be. After all, it’s what we do, we on the Left. How ELSE can we redefine Government in our own image if we don’t give society a new set of values that are favorable to us? We HAVE to pick off and subsume those institutions that promulgate those old standards. That way, OUR Government will be the only institution left that can dictate what is right and what is wrong.
Boy Scouts of America have just sacrificed themselves on the alter of Cultural Marxism (aka P.C.)
Morally Straight. I don’t think that phrase has any meaning any more in a world where secular loudmouths are trumping people of faith, where the ever changing mores (swinging from what used to be Politically Correct and “good” then is now Politically Incorrect and ‘bad’ longer now – simply on some group’s say-so) trump traditionally absolute values.
It used to, when right and wrong were absolutes but it seems nowadays everyone has their “own truth” and “what is right is what is I say it is” – some foundation for running an entire society, eh? However, those incremental socialists from the Franklin School (progenitors of Cultural Marxism cum Political Correctness) knew, along with Gramarcie, that Americans would never accept Socialism (and then to Communism) if its backer were absolutely open and truthful about their aims, their goals, and what American would lose in the process (sounds like most Democrats nowadays, doesn’t it? ). What was necessary was to keep nudging the culture to a tipping point that would sneak up all at once – and those that truly believed in God, traditional values, and the Constitution would, overnight, become a minority not because of the politics but because of the culture (which would then be expressed in politics). So, like minded sojourners infiltrated the inflection point: the churches, the media, the music, the arts, governmental policies towards the traditional family; all those things that could move the culture to where secular socialism would be acceptable. Media and newsrooms swung Left, in search of changing the world instead of reporting the news. Music, theater, and the arts moved into the direction that the only way to succeed was to ‘push the boundaries’ – that is, going from going past cultural norms to attacking them. Religious faith has been attacked both from within (turning from The Gospel of Individual Salvation and saving souls to some nebulous gospel of “social justice”) and without (by groups going “reverse judgementalism” to attack the pillars of faith as failing to rise to meet “current social needs of fairness, Political Correctness, and inclusion) with the attendant loss of faith in the younger generations (helped along, in no small part, by the radical Ivory Tower minions who are shielded by the tax dollars earned by those they actually attack – such work when you can get it). The goal has been to cut the knees out of traditional American society – so as to replace it with foreign ones. And the Boy Scouts have certainly been a traditional American value for over 100 years; no longer.