England, from whom we declared our independence a few centuries back, has taken a leading stance on the matter of individual liberty. Last week the UK dropped enforcement mask mandates and vax passport enforcement. They’ve announced another COVID policy rollback.
Boris Johnson
England Ends Compulsory Vaxx Passports and Facemasks
Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday announced the UK will no longer be in the business of enforcing vaccine passports and “will no longer mandate the wearing of facemasks anywhere.”
UK Bails on Vaccine Passports – Drops PCR Test Requirement for Vaccinated
The United Kingdom still thinks COVID vaccines are dreamy and want everyone to get jabbed, but they have announced that there will be no legal requirements, and vaccine passports are officially off the table.
Brexit Gets Done: The Queen of England Gives her Royal Assent
Queen Elizabeth has given her royal assent to the Brexit Bill. Barring any unforeseen complication, the UK can begin its planned departure from the EU on January 31st. That’s next week.
Brexit – it’s a’coming as British election has consequences
Unlike our feckless Republicans in DC, after years of promising to get rid of the freedom-freezing Obamacare, the Tories in the British Parliament voted to finally fulfill the wishes of the British populace to leave the European Union.
Brits Want Brexit! UK Labor Party Wipeout – Boris’ Conservatives Score Huge Majority
Boris got his election, and now he’s got his victory. There can be little doubt the Brits want out of the EU. They just handed their current PM, Boris Johnson, a yuge majority.
Brexit Deal Fails; PM Johnson Forced to Request Extension
Today’s Brexit vote fell short, but it’s not dead yet. British MPs will take up another Brexit vote on Monday provided it follows parliamentary rules, but it won’t pass in time to avoid the requirement in law to request an Article 50 extension for withdrawal from the European Union. Johnson brought forward a new deal … Read more
Across the Pond: Boris Johnson Wins PM Job by Running on Making Brexit Happen
Teresa May’s Mexit from the job at 10 Downing Street is a result of her failure to get things done. What things? Brexit things. Her replacement, newly elected British PM Boris Johnson, ran on getting Brexit done by Oct 31st (2019) and it seems to have carried him to victory.