Lesson From A King

Democrats, the Party of the disadvantaged? When did that happen – if ever? I look at our nation now and fail to see any changes other than the messages of that Party. They claim Republicans are anti-minority and they are the champions of the underclass. Let’s consider. What have the Democrats done for minorities when … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


Let the mockery and other memes begin.  And note the sign about “UnJabbed need not apply” – from New Zealand.  Medical apartheid is coming.  Remember this cartoon?  There is an insane drive to put a needle into every arm.  This is the new One-Worlder religion.

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Israel General Info & Pre-WWI History

To understand Israel’s place in the Middle East today one must appreciate the history and religion. That’s why we are going to do three quick parts on the area that is today Israel. We’ll get more detailed as we approach the present. The dominant religion of the area today we address separately. Borders Israel is … Read more

SB3 Won’t “Suppress” Legal Votes If You Are a Legal Voter , Duh.

The No Borders folks are at it again. No, not the southern border, the New Hampshire border. All the way around. The Democrats erased it a few years ago as a GOTV strategy. This year the legislature passed SB3 to try and pencil the state border back in. Get back a sliver of that state sovereignty thingamajig. But the no borders crowd aren’t having it, and they’ll say anything to stop it.

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Why ‘Borders’ Matter

The elites, the ruling class as Angelo Codevilla called them, lost when the peoples of the several states chose Mr. Trump to be their next President.

Their political machine which includes most of the media has been out to dislodge him ever since. Its more radical elements have ramped up the intimidation and violence.

This has heightened the average American’s awareness of a battle they entered when they stepped away from the failed institution of the expanding super-state to choose someone over which it had little to no power.

A man who ran for office promising to Make America Great Again. A President who believes not just in the sovereignty of the nation-state but that ours provides something you can find no place else on earth.

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When Democrats Take Back Congress They Will Repeal Tax Reform

pelosiNancy Pelosi announced that one of the first things Democrats will do when they regain control is to repeal and replace recent Republican Tax reforms. And she promises it will be bipartisan and done in daylight, (unlike healthcare reform, I guess). So, what might that look like?

If previous proposals are any indication, Pelosi plans on instituting a major tax hike, particularly focused on punishing those same generous corporations. In a plan published last month, Congressional Democrats proposed a $1 trillion dollar tax hike, pushing the corporate tax rate from its current 21% to 25%, undoing tax breaks for high earners, and re-instituting a top tax bracket that could tax some Americans at a rate of nearly 40%.

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