The Left’s southern border policy looks increasingly like the New Hampshire Democrat position on out-of-state voting. If you happen to find your way here, you are one of us!
Nate Hochman, writing at National Review, encapsulates the left’s position and the problem.
In this increasingly permissive disposition toward immigration, some progressives have embraced a cosmopolitan universalism that draws no distinction among the world’s many nation-states and does not recognize any distinction between those within a polity and those outside it.
Open borders mean erasing borders and that means no borders. In the case of the nation, it removes any distinction that America is anything but a name for a geographic area with no identity. A place where one party bribes “migrants” to wander in for the all you can eat taxpayer-funded spend-a-palooza. At least until the economy collapses, and then, oh well, the political class never suffers.
The migrants will suffer. The people who used to be “American’s” will suffer. Because the policy has nothing to do with compassion or giving. It is about taking and destruction. And so is what Democrats have done to New Hampshire elections.
Not So Free Before You Die
We have endured more than a decade of left-wing tantrums in New Hampshire over voting rights.
The Left’s preferred policy allows out-of-state students, parachute vote-thieves, and anyone physically here on election day to vote. Even if they are only “here” long enough to cross the border, drive to a polling place, cast a ballot, and leave.
Thousands of non-residents decide ballot questions. They choose your representatives. And those people then push policies that affect your rights and spend your money. A cost those “voters” do not have to bear because they only “lived here” to vote here.
So, it is a borderless society — a place with no political definition (that limits influence over elections) with a goal of establishing a one-party state. A party with very strict ideological “borders.”
It’ll Be Something to Which We All Must Belong
This plan is not limited to borders or ballot boxes. The left’s political agenda puts your body, your actions, even your words under the purview of a global left-wing controlled state of mind.
Policy goals include regulating the energy you use and how you use. Government control of your body comes in the form of state-regulated medical care. And your mind, that will be controlled by Human Rights tribunals and Diversity commissions. Even mobs.
But it all begins with the same premise.
Your rights come from them. Your identity, be it personal, community, city, state, or nation, are barriers to the Left-wing agenda. But inclusion by design requires exclusion for it to even exist as a concept. Neither of which is possible in the context of borderless societies. A place like New Hampshire filled with people who are sold an illusion. That they are deciding what their government should look like every election.
But if anyone from anywhere can be a “resident” on election day, then no one is. We are slaves trapped by the whimsy of whoever’s get out the vote campaign finds a way to tip just enough key races with ballots cast by people who will never pay a dime for the consequence those votes represent.
Electing officials defined by borders that no longer exist.
It is their local policy and national policy. And it does not stop until they have won or been swept from office by actual citizens who believe that New Hampshire and America need “borders” to truly mean something.