SB3 Won’t “Suppress” Legal Votes If You Are a Legal Voter , Duh.

The No Borders folks are at it again. No, not the southern border, the New Hampshire border. All the way around. The Democrats erased it a few years ago as a GOTV strategy. This year the legislature passed SB3 to try and pencil the state border back in. Get back a sliver of that state sovereignty thingamajig. But the no borders crowd aren’t having it, and they’ll say anything to stop it.

An advocate for immigrant families and a University of New Hampshire student activist testified that the state’s new election law would suppress turnout among students, the homeless and newly minted American citizens as the hearing on Senate Bill 3 entered its fourth day in Hillsborough County Superior Court.

The new law doesn’t even take effect until 2019, but the no borders crowd can’t afford to lose the votes of out-of-state students paying out-of-state tuition.

The bill, passed last year and signed into law by Gov. Chris Sununu, establishes new procedures for voter registration within 30 days of an election or on election day. It requires would-be voters to provide proof of residency, other than the voter affidavit they had been required to sign.

The voter affidavit didn’t work because it was the electoral equivalent of “can I pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” Once the vote is cast, it counts. Once the burger is eaten, it is gone. And like the hamburger, so is the voter. Thousands of whom disappear every election cycle after lying about their residency to rob you of your ability to pick who runs the government you pay for.

If someone trying to register doesn’t have the right documents, they have to produce those documents within 10 days (30 days in some cases) or face penalties for voter fraud, including a fine up to $5,000 and a year in jail.

Students who pay out-of-state tuition can’t provide documents to UNH in any number of days (weeks, months, or even years) to meet the residency requirement because they live in another state. Telling them that they also have to vote there is not voter suppression.

Democrats actually suppress their votes in other states by telling them they can vote here. They are stealing those votes for themselves. We should have a law that fines NH Democrats who lie to students, but we’re stuck passing laws that fine the students for being stupid enough to believe the Democrats that is legal to vote for them even when they can’t produce the documents to prove they have a legal right to cast those votes.

They. Don’t Live. Here. They don’t get to vote here.

If they did they’d pay in-state tuition and vote in their hometown precincts. No voter suppression there either.

And believe it or not, being born (and we’re assuming Planned Parenthood hasn’t exercised the Democrat right to kill you) does not make you eligible to vote in a New Hampshire election. You have to be a U.S. Citizen. You have to live in New Hampshire. You have to prove you live in New Hampshire, barely, even with SB3.

The purpose of the fine is to discourage people who not only can’t but won’t provide documentation within 10 days.  The same thousands of people in every election who steal your votes and disappear. The small army of out-of-state students who an vote absentee through their out-ofstate-address. Students denied their right to vote by Democrats trying to steal their voted for New Hampshire Demcorats who might not otherwise every find a way into public office.

There’s no guarantee that the borderless New Hampshire folks won’t win their case. But we’ve never been so close to something that almost, kind-of, sort-of looks remotely like a clean election in the Granite State. That’s why they’ll do anything to keep it from becoming a reality.

They can’t win unless they cheat. And they will keep cheating if you let them.

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