Trump Tells Sessions To End Mueller Investigation. Trump Must Have Something Big!

Trump tweet stop muellerThe Washington Times is reporting that President Trump has asked Jeff Sessions to put an end to the Mueller Probe.

The president’s comments came after he quoted Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, who suggested that Mueller is trying to protect his team at the expense of the investigation.

The left will go nuts, but what about Trump doesn’t make the left go nuts? The Democrats will come out and scream obstruction, and the water-carriers in the media will carry their water. And Trump knows that.

So what’s he got?

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Mueller Still has Nothing And Mueller is the Proof of That.

Robert Mueller’s mandate as special prosecutor is to investigate and prosecute legitimate cases of “collusion” between ‘Russians’ and the Trump Campaign. He has been at it for a few years now and despite the occasional media-friendly announcements of charges or indictments ‘Mueller’ still has nothing.

How do we know this?

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