save the beer

OpEd – Waive Growler Regulations, Save the Beer

The goal of legislators is always to find solutions to improve the lives of our constituents. In these unprecedented times in struggling with COVID-19, finding solutions may look different than it did a month ago, but our mission has not changed. Together, we can come through this crisis.   Related: To-Go Beer & Wine Coming to … Read more

kuster with pelosi

How ‘Bi-Partisan’ is Ann Kuster…?

How ‘Bipartisan’ is Ann Kuster? She can’t even name a Republican she admires. Roger Wilkins, Steve Negron’s general consultant, released the following statement: “Listening to Congresswoman Ann Kuster stumble over her words as she unsuccessfully tried to come up with just a single Republican she ‘admires’ in Congress would be laughable if it wasn’t so … Read more

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