Jeb Bradley’s Lifetime Achievement Award

The NH-BIA pandering Bradley is just more of their same stroking-the-pet advocacy approach. It says: Be Our Boy, and Good Things Come Your Way. Senate membership is small and a bit clubby. The message of individual gratification is clearly received by all. Buying influence in the Senate is much more affordable than a sprawling crowd like the House. We … Read more

The Business and Industry Association Supports Critical Race Theory – Why the Heck is the NH-GOP Cutting Their Taxes?

So … the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, essentially New Hamshire’s chamber of commerce, wants employers to be able to force employees to undergo Critical Race Theory reeducation. While there are many posts on this blog that you can refer to in order to understand Critical Race Theory, for your ease of reference: … Read more

tim-sink-president Concord Chamber of Commerce

So Tim Sink ain’t happy with NH protesters that want to reopen the State

I wonder how many of his small biz members either already have or will soon be kaput if re-opening takes two or MORE months to accomplish? Or are they just “collateral damage”? Yet, while many of us are correctly upset that our Constitutional Rights and its values are being rent asunder, a constant theme of … Read more

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