Small Biz Bankruptcies Rising Thanks to Bidenomics

By creating an inflationary regime via policy (I blame Biden and his Socialist/Communist minions for this problem), the Fed’s predictable response is to start raising interest rates – a major factor for just about every small business.

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Going out of Business

Data Point – What Mayor de Blasio’s Wuflu Diktats Have Wrought

Abstracted from “New York City chain stores shutter as lockdowns kill businesses and New Yorkers flee“: Big brand stores have closed their doors in New York City after months of coronavirus lockdowns.

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Power, control and money

This coronavirus is the biggest scam ever perpetrated upon the American public

This coronavirus is the biggest scam ever perpetrated upon the American public. The coronavirus is so minor as to merit disregard as a cause of death. Yet, we are allowing mass hysteria, a massive delusion to rule our life. If you worry about this virus, it is trivial.

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