Transgender flag fist

The Apartheid States Of America … You Are Second-Class Citizens

You remember COVID, don’t you, bitter-clingers? I know you don’t want to … because despite all the “tough talk” we’re hearing today, you COMPLIED, OBEYED, etc., etc., etc.. Remember how BLM and its “allies” were able to – indeed, encouraged to and praised for holding massive public protests for Saint George Floyd, but you weren’t allowed to go to church?

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African National Congress Logo

As the ANC Reintroduces Apartheid, Will South Africa Find Their White Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton?

As the ANC Reintroduces Apartheid, Will South Africa Find Their White Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton?

If you look up Apartheid, it is “An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.” That needs to change. It is once again an active practice in South Africa, and it’s worsening.

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Apartheid America

What is apartheid? Well … in South Africa, arguably the most well-known example, it was a political system that kept the white minority in power and maintained a separate and unequal society where the white minority enjoyed a privileged status.

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Biden-Regime To Distribute Hurricane-Aid Based On Skin Color

You don’t need to take my word for it. Here’s Kamala announcing that federal aid for Hurricane Ian will be distributed based on skin color:

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Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours

Many years ago I read an article called The Three Conjectures, at PJMedia, the Belmont Club.  It’s about radical Islamists getting nuclear weapons and it did not paint a comforting picture.  I’ve struggled for years with that essay, desperate to find the flaw in the argument.  Thus far I have not.  I had a similar … Read more

sick vaccinated cartoon blam unvax

The Vax Market Economy

It looks like those — including our own governor — who believe that ‘public health trumps everything’ are increasingly looking to segregate the population, not unlike the apartheid regime in South Africa.

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Crotched Mountain logo

Skier Takes Crotched Mountain Ski Resort Down For Mandated COVID Vaxx Policy …

To whom it may concern: I and my family, have been skiing at Crotched Mountain since my sons were old enough to ski/board. I went out of my way to support Crotched as it is a small local mountain and I want to help keep these types of ski areas running.

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Quick Takes – Hat trick

1. Plans and agreements done in secret do not inspire confidence:

Below is a link to a purported copy of the agreement between the Israeli government and Pfizer.  Per Dr. Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology:

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