God made a Jew the Superbowl MVP

I think I’ll just leave this here for Sherry Frost and Kathy Sullivan…

No other words are necessary for a Party that lifts up both CongressTwits Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Illhan Omer…

Ilhan Omar - as a MN State Rep

Rep Ilhan Omar Wanted Insurance Companies to Pay Death Benefits to Families of Terrorists

While serving in the Minnesota State legislature a bill was introduced. It would permit Insurance companies to block payment of death benefits for anyone who died committing an act of terror against the United States. In a bipartisan effort, Republicans and Democrats joined together to pass the bill 127-2. Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minneapolis) and John Lesch … Read more


Virginia is for Haters – Candidate for Delegate Agreed: “Funding Israel is Like Sending Money to the KKK”

Virginia needs an enema. Democrats in Blackface. Democrats accused of sexual assault. More Democrats in blackface. That whole “yeah, we considered passing a law to allow killing babies born alive” thing. And now this. Ibraheem Samirah is a Democrat candidate for State Delegate, and he hates Jews. Not a stretch for a Democrat but check this out.

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louis farrakahn

Louis Farrakhan Still Wants a Separate State for Black Americans

According to Louis Farrakhan God still wants a Separate State for Black Americans. It’s not a new idea. He’s been pitching it for years – not for himself but God. I wonder if he got the idea from Israel? That’s a joke. Farrakhan has been in the news a good deal for his anti-Semitism. “Will … Read more

pussy hat womens march

More Women’s Marches Cancelled

The Women’s March used women. Partisan Trump-hating hypocrites took advantage of them. It was never about equality for all women. It was about equity for some women and hatred for others. And a program that was destined to collapse under the weight of its own hypocrisy.

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womens march

Is the Women’s March a Racist Showcase?

Organizers of a Women’s March slated to take place in northern California next month have canceled the event. In announcing cancellation they expressed fear the participants would be “overwhelmingly white.” Why would they announce cancellation of an event for fear of having too much white participation? Wouldn’t the expectation normally be cancellation for lack of … Read more

Anti-Semitism rearing its head in the Lakes Region?

Road side signs of the plastic type on short wire frames are popping up all over the place – a fair number during the Primary last month but exploding in number as the election draw neigh.  Being a news / political junkie, I pay attention to them: whose signs are placed where, are they Democrat, … Read more

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