Virginia is For Scandals (Or, How To Get A Republican Governor in the Old Dominion)

The pillorying of Ralph Northam was not enough of a distraction. We’ve added two more. First, Virginia’s Lt Gov. Justin Fairfax (Northam’s replacement if he is driven out of office) has been accused of sexual assault.

The attack is alleged to have taken place during the 2004 DNC convention in Boston. Then-staffer Fairfax, in the company of a young lady, is accused of not knowing what no means. The Washington Post is accused of knowing when to say no, spiking the story to protect the Democrat candidate.

Their excuse? He said she said. So, you mean like that Kavanaugh thing? Sure.

When the Fairfax alleged assault story finally broke this week (not care of Democracy Dies in Darkness WaPo) Fairfax pointed to the Washington Post for cover. The Post refused to go to bat for Fairfax. They simply covered their own backside while exposing his.

Virginia is for Scandals

So, no time to talk about killing babies (which is how this all started), as it turns out Democrat Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring also sported blackface in his college days. Who didn’t right? Actually, I didn’t. 

“I am sure we all have done things at one time or another in our lives that show poor judgment, and worse yet, have caused some level of pain to others. I have a glaring example from my past…”

Let me know if you can get Bill Clinton to say that. Or Hillary for that matter.

This latest revelation adds to an ascendency issue. Fairfax would replace Northam who still refuses to resign. Herring would replace Fairfax if both stepped aside or were pushed out. The Speaker of the House of Delegates is next in line.

If you are confused here is Ben Shapiro’s synopsis in one tweet.

The Speaker of the House of Delegates is a Republican. Bet he never saw that coming. It’s okay, it’s not. But it is popcorn worthy unless he’s got a College-Days Blackface picture in his closet. Probably not.

So what about infanticide?

Democrats killing babies did not get totally lost in Virginia’s Three Ring Circus. The US House has a bill. Democrats will stuff it, which is probably why Republicans dusted it off. Take advantage of the sudden surge in public awareness about Democrats killing babies. They do. Kill them. That’s what partial birth or any third-trimester abortion does. Ends the life of a human being more than capable of living outside the womb.

I support a woman's right to be born

Any abortions after conception end a life. Can’t start one any other way. Conception is the beginning. The human being Big Bang. Nothing before it everything after. Go ahead and try to start one without it. 

But Democrats don’t like to talk about that. They fall back on “women’s health care” to put the life of any baby at risk. If you keep after them though they will say mean things about you. Democrats are good at that.

They have been known to use language that is not just threatening it is hostile. Look back two weeks to how the left and the media reacted to a few Catholic kids in some hats they don’t like. Teens who should have been learning about anal sex in the public school advocating against the Left’s very-eugenic practice of killing babies. Mostly minority babies. How dare those racist white kids in MAGA hats just sit there and smile while black-baby killing leftists* hurl vile invective their way. To the beat of a drum.

*Voting for conception to birth abortion Democrats is, how would the left phrase this, the same as if you’d “pulled the trigger” yourself. 

In other news, Fairfax’s female accuser has lawyered up. #BeleiveWomen

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