EC chamber NH Executive Council

Sununu’s Superior Court Pick

Why would NH residents trust any of Sununu’s Picks? Back on November 22, Steve MacDonald interviewed Brenda Towne on the issues with the Electronic Voting Machines in Windham, NH in the recent past elections.

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EC chamber NH Executive Council

NH Executive Council Hearing: Anne Edwards Nomination for Superior Court Judge Part 3

Still rolling through the videos that Chau Kelley supplied of the hearing – THANKS, CHAU! The PERFECT angle for getting the testimonies of those for and against NH Governor Chris Sununu’s nominee for a Superior Court Judgeship, Anne Edwards.

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Rebuild NH

Upcoming Judicial Appointments

In New Hampshire, judges are nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Executive Council. The mandatory retirement age for a judge is 70 years old. This year, Supreme Court Justice Hicks will reach mandatory retirement, and the process of replacing him will begin.

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EC chamber NH Executive Council

NH Executive Council Hearing: Anne Edwards Nomination for Superior Court Judge Part 2

As promised, here is the second tranche of videos from the NH Executive Council that will vote to accept or deny NH Governor Chris Sununu’s nominee for a Superior Court Judgeship, Anne Edwards who has spent decade-plus working in the NH Attorney General’s office in the Elections Division. So here are a few more. Again, … Read more

EC chamber NH Executive Council

NH Executive Council Hearing: Anne Edwards Nomination for Superior Court Judge Part 1

An Executive Council (EC) seems to be a strictly NH “thing.” It is part of the Executive Branch and approves all contracts that are brought forward to them. The EC also has the duty to approve any nominations for senior posts within the Executive put forward by the Governor as well as those for judgeships.

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Trash trash can throw away original Photo by Julio Lopez on Unsplash

The Law, C’est Moi

I just listened to a remarkable recording of a Zoom meeting between some lawyers in the offices of the Attorney General and the Secretary of State, and some Croydon town officers, including the supervisors of the checklist and the town moderator.

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Thumb on the Justice scale

Our “GOP” Legislature … If It Wanted … Could Get to the Bottom of the Anne Edwards Scandal In an Instant

What’s hot on the Grok? This is: Why Was an Associate NH AG Caught On Camera with the “Secured” Windham Ballots at 11:15 PM Wed Night (Then the Cameras Go Out)? … which begs the question: WHY THE HELL IS OUR SUPPOSEDLY GOP LEGISLATURE, which has oversight authority over the NH-Department-of-Justice, DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT. … Read more

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