At least NH GOP Chair Steve Stepanek “gets” it.

“Politics is downstream from Culture” –Andrew Breitbart With the backdrop of what we’ve been reporting on the Nashua School Board, and how this Progressive infested political entity is trying to railroad Nashua BoE member Doris Hohensee out of office because she is outspoken from a Conservative standpoint (and that quote from Breitbart), I just asked … Read more

When attacked by leftists and other statist pigs, not to mention their media prostitutes…

…Punch back twice as hard. Andrew Breitbart taught us that. Sarah Palin has demonstrated it. This from Breitbart’s Big Government page,  an essay entitled “Why Andrew Breitbart Walked into the Fire with Sarah Palin”:

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Andrew Breitbart – One Year After His Death

Andrew died a year ago.  Here’s something to remember him by. (Link if iframe does not load)

AFP – Remembering Andrew Breitbart.

March 01, 2013 A year ago today we were stunned by the loss of the prolific, insightful and passionate new-media general Andrew Breitbart. Breitbart’s persona was larger than life and his impact far greater than any circumstance. It is fitting then that his zany style and online ferocity effectively converted an army of thousands, each … Read more

Start Your Week Off ‘Right.’

What a great way to start your Monday Morning…Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012. Enjoy

What Happens If Obama Wins?

This is a direct question to my Libertarian leaning friends who claim to have a love of liberty so deep that they would rather watch it bleed out on the street than vote for Mitt Romney.  I get it.   I was never a huge Romney guy.  I was no fan of John McCain either but I understood he risk that Obama represented to liberty.  Not enough of us did and Obama was elected.

So here we are again, almost four years into the worst presidency ever, a world in chaos, economic, political, and that same guy wants four more years.   Is it really worth the risk?

And just to be clear, I do not care about your Gary Johnson or Ron Paul write-in fantasies.  We are way, way past that.  This is the real world. This is about putting Liberty on life support.  About keeping it breathing.   To stop the bleeding before there is nothign left to save.   And color it any way you want but voting for anyone but Romney (at this point) is a vote for Obama.  I don’t like it, but that’s how it is.  And while you are free to vote for whomever you like regardless, no matter what the risk, I want you to honestly answer this question first, before you go to the polls in November and risk it.

What Happens if Obama Wins?

(And for those intent on going off on some libertarian anti-Romney rant…The almighty says don’t change the subject just answer the F…ing Question.)

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RightOnline 2012 – Breitbart is Here

Breitbart is Here - From RightOnline 2012Plenty of things happened at the RightOnline conference in Las Vegas last weekend but not one of them occurred without the understanding that there was something we all had to do.  Something more important than anything we had done previously.  Wherever we were as bloggers or new media journalists we had to step up our game.

Andrew Breitbart was no longer there to give us a rhetorical kick in the backside or more importantly to simply lead by doing.   Breitbart would no longer be strolling amidst union protesters or walking into NetRoots to challenge the left or their ideas to their faces.   Andrew Breitbart was no longer there to challenge us to do those things.  Or was he?

In reality, Breitbart was everywhere at RightOline, telling us to get off our asses and expose the left for what they are, not just yesterday, or today, but tomorrow and every day after that.  Imploring us to get out of our comfort zones and challenge everything.  Reminding us that all we had to do was show up and they would expose themselves.

It reminded me of the moment when I decided that I was done with my years of lurking on blogs and posting or commenting anonymously.

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RightOnline 2012 Loaded

The first day at RightOnline has been great.  I was able to connect with Groksters Rick Olson, and Don Ewing, and I saw Tim Condon twice, though I’m not positive he’s actually here.  (There are enough folks here that I could easily miss him all weekend.)  And Jeff Chidester is around here somewhere. Last night … Read more

Sometimes, a post needs to go up….and up….and up again. And then remind some that we didn’t think that they didn’t need them….at first.

From Steve’s post:

They wont all need the Repair kit….but a few of them probably do…and we all know who they are.

His minimalist Republican Repair kit really is all that is needed.  Really.  Two items.  The only thing I would add would be a STRONG Conservative outlook, demeanor, and action.  Oh yeah, one more thing that seems to be sorely lacking lately: Courage.  People will be willing to go to the mat for that person that embodies all that.  But that person, that singular personality, has to stand strong, stand up for the Right Principles, and when it counts, has made the decision to not compromise.  The example that lately comes to mind is WI Gov. Scott Walker – standing firm on Conservative principles, not backing down, and fighting the good fight.

This past Friday nite at the Future of Journalism weekend event was the first annual Brietbart Awards in honor of Andrew Breitbart who changed the outlook of the Right Blogosphere and was one of the most influential folks that helped to upset the balance between the MSM and the New Media.  He showed that simply showing up, and standing up, can change the direction of the political battles in which we find ourselves.  The first annual Award winners were:

Of course at such an awards night, there are others that are doing the introducing of the winners and such.  In each case, those that did were those that knew Andrew well or had touched their lives in a given way.  Dana Loesch, reporter for Breitbart and conservative radio talk host was one of the speakers and  made an impassioned, emotional speech (and yes, I have asked Erik Telford, VP at Franklin Center (along with the Heritage Foundaton, the hosts for the event) to see if there is video of it).  In it, she had two lines that meshed with the overall theme of the night, in which was that we are not just in a war of ideas, but in a Cold Civil War for the future of America just as real, just as deadly, and will have as much impact on our future that the actual Civil War had going forward.

  • You cannot win by running away
  • We cannot leave any warriors on the battlefield

Practical reasoning – practical advice. The following is not what Dana said, but what struck home as she uttered these principles.

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Be Breitbart

Glen over at Instapundit has put up a fair amount of posts and words concerning the passing of Andrew Breitbart and passes this comment from one of his readers along: I attended my first caucus today. It was a great experience. We filled a middle school cafeteria to the brim, there must have been almost … Read more

Andrew Breitbart, RIP

  He was a very nice guy when I met him. A very regular human being. Not full of himself at all. Very down to earth. He thought the Free State Project was a neat idea too. Although he didn’t know much about the FSP, he had heard about it prior to when I showed … Read more

In Memoriam: Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

Andrew BreitbartIn doing my normal surfing before going to work, I include the “Bigs” (Big Journalism, Big Government, et al).  They are all noting the unexpected passing of Andrew Breitbart – an uncompromising Conservative that saw the liberal Media for what it was – liberal and anti-conservative, and not the “objective” view that they so desperately wished us all to believe.  He was one of the first to “take it to them” and unmask them concerning this and unmask those that they protected (think former Congressman Anthony Wiener taking Twit-pics of his naked self).

We had the opportunity to interview him several times over the last few years – I will pull those together later on today.

Brash, uncompromising, smart, courageous, didn’t care what his opponents thought of him – with the proper dashes of irreverence and craziness.  While not a personal friend, I will miss what he did for us all.

One of a kind.  R.I.P., sir – you will be missed.

Updated: Some of our recordings of / interviews with Andrew Breitbart after the jump

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