…Punch back twice as hard. Andrew Breitbart taught us that. Sarah Palin has demonstrated it. This from Breitbart’s Big Government page, an essay entitled “Why Andrew Breitbart Walked into the Fire with Sarah Palin”:
But if Andrew Breitbart fiercely defended Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin also taught Andrew Breitbart an important lesson–one which he took to heart for himself, and one which he imparted to others wherever he went: refuse to be destroyed. Do not cower before the name-calling. Do not apologize for your beliefs. Do not hide.
If somebody calls you a racist for criticizing the Obama administration, demand that they explain how you’re a racist. If somebody demands that you apologize, respond with, “Apologize for what?” If somebody rhetorically attacks you, punch back twice as hard. Breitbart called this “walking into the fire.” He observed that Sarah Palin, by refusing to back down in the face of the smears, became stronger–and by refusing to retreat, she became a touchstone for millions who felt that her peril was their own. And so her resistance became their resistance.
You can read the entire essay HERE.