The Sermon That Laid the Groundwork for the American Revolution

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”  Just after the Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776, a committee of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin worked to design a great seal for the United States – and it included that powerful phrase on the reverse.  While we don’t know who originally wrote it, … Read more

Thomas Jefferson’s Solution from the Revolution

A nullity” and “we declare these acts void“ This was the bold conclusion about British Acts that Thomas Jefferson came to in his powerful 1774 pamphlet, A Summary View of the Rights of British America. Written nearly two years before the Declaration of Independence, it foreshadowed ideas Jefferson would later develop further. He asserted several fundamental principles that … Read more

Pulpit Polity – Prayers and the Governing of Our Nation

This week, let’s look at the role that prayer played in the founding of our nation and is still a part of our civil ceremonies, but I might add, forbidden in our public schools.

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Pulpit Polity – One of Thomas Jefferson’s Revolutionary Inspirations

There were so many important voices during the Revolution that founded our great country. Politicians, Lawyers, Doctors, and, of course, Clergymen! In fact, the brightest stars of the Revolution were the voices of ardent clergymen whose hearts set on freedom for all men and whose tongues were swords of truth to set the captives free!

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Pulpit Polity – The Parsons Rebellion

In the inception of our nation, Pastors played a key role. Unfortunately, that is often overlooked in the annals of recorded history. This week, I want to focus on that role as recorded in history from various sources.

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I stand with Liberty mug

Quick Thought – This Is Correct; They Are Trying to Break Us

From Liberal Logic 101: Progressives, on the other hand, not only wish to crush that spirit but continue the process of forcing a dependency upon Government that started in the early 1900s. They believe they are entitled to Rule. Oh, not them personally (well, many of them) but knowing that the facade would be sufficient … Read more

American flags

Promoted from the Comments – “You Will Be Made to Care”

That line above is from my blogging friend, Erick Erickson, who created it a few years ago in response to the Left’s constant “you are either with us or you are our enemy” activism. There was no middle ground that could be chosen.

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Sununu Legilature Budget meme - British meet the colonials

His Excellency Governor Sununu Offered Our Representatives Everything (Not), with the Exception of Independence

Sometime after the American Colonies declared independence, Great Britain offered them everything they could imagine, with the exception of independence.

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Independence Day – “The Dear George” Letter

In Congress, July 4, 1776

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The truth shall set you free

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Today we see the results of years and years of secularist attacks on religion. There has been a denial of eternal truths and the exclusion of religion and morality from public life. But here’s the rub. You can’t have the freedom to peaceably assemble for a redress of grievances. Not unless you have morality.

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ReopenNH - We are all Essential

Have we lost our sense of proportion?

Late one evening years ago, I stepped outside and was greeted by a police officer kneeling beside his car with his gun drawn. He told me to get back in the house, and I complied with his excellent suggestion.  This was a real emergency. I learned later that one of my neighbors was unwell and had brandished a gun.

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Wrong – if today’s media had covered the American Revolution…

…they’d be Royalist regressive toadies.  And their coats will still be Red but for a different political philosophy (and not being a Republican, either). (H/T: Powerline)

Re: Take it back or burn it down

“Fire upon it, my dear Marquis, and never spare a particle of my property so long as it affords a comfort or a shelter to the enemies of my country. – Virginia Governor Thomas Nelson, when asked by Marquis de Lafayette, who was commanding the artillery barrage of Yorktown in the American War of Independence, … Read more

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