Later This Week When It Warms Up…

Spring In Upstate new York taken 5-26-13 - 3 feet of snow
Spring In Upstate new York taken 5-26-13 – 3 feet of snow

By the end of this week New England will be back to being warm again.  When that happens, I’d like all the climate denier-deniers to remember that yesterday parts of the North East got three feet of snow.  That Alaska is having a winter several weeks longer than average.  That nationally, temperatures are down.  That globally temperature have been flat for 16 years and may be declining.  That I don’t feel all that comfortable putting any plants outside after June 1st for fear we might still be at risk for a very cold night or two.

What I’m trying to say is, it’s just weather.

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Pro-Global Warming Climate-Change Flat-Earthers Busted for Lying….AGAIN!

Shoveling **it

The Climate Flat-Earthers, the warming zealots who refuse to acknowledge any observation that contradicts the dogma of their pseudo-scientific faith,  were recently busted again.  This time it was Shaun Marcott who lied, accepted accolades for his lie, promoted the lie, and after getting caught backed off quietly, knowing that the same media that over-sold his lie would never over-sell the truth.

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Note To Warming Alarmists – Get a New Hobby

This graph shows Greenland Ice Core temperature measurements for the last 10,000 years.  Aren’t Ice Core’s great?  Actually, the Warmists liked them fine until people who were not on their ideological taxpayer-funded crazy-train started asking questions.  Question’s like, why do you keep insisting that man-made emissions are going to warm up the planet and destroy … Read more

This Was the Moment When the Rise of the Oceans Began to Slow…”


My title is from the now infamous line from the narcissistic in chief, Barack Obama,  where he announces that by choosing him, the planet could begin to heal.

I’m not feelin’ the healin.’

It also turns out that the rise of the seas (what little there was) began to slow in 2002/2003, and have been heading downward ever since, despite CO2 continuing to rise, or the carbon-dioxide emitting wind bag, Barack Obama, yapping through his non-stop campaign as Commander in Thief.

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A Kool Aid Drinker By Any Other Name…(Or Should I say Another Name?)

For a very long time now anyone who was all in for some idea, particularly the more wacky–OK, insane– ideas, was said to have drank the Kool Aid®.   This phrase derives from Jim Jones and his People’s Temple, who were denied exile in Russia from their paranoid-delusional self-imposed exile on an “agricultural mission” in the socialist armpit of Guyana.

Everyone in the U.S was, after all, out to spin their little cult as a bunch of crazed-whacko’s.

So to prove them wrong, and rather than risk being captured or subjected to fascism–(no proper far left-communist would ever allow themselves to be subjected to  the not-quite-so-far-left-left-as fascism)–they proved the “they are a bunch of wackos crowd” wrong by committing mass suicide with a mixture of cyanide and Kool-Aid.  Some say it was grape Flavor-aid.  The 900 plus formerly-living residents of Jonestown who drank the ‘Kool-Aid” were too dead to debate the point, but ‘Drinking the Kool-Aid‘ quickly became a part of the collective consciousness and a sign that you were all-in on whatever it was, (to quote the Orbit Girl) “no matter what.” (Fabulous!)

Which brings me to my point.

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The World is NOT Getting Warmer…Mr. President!


Nothing speaks to the cloistered nature of what passes for left wing intelligence like Global Warming.  It is the perfect litmus test.  All you need do is ask and if the respondent sounds like this, you can rest assured that most everything else they know come from the same poisoned well.

What we do know is the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted even 10 years ago.

This is President Obama, the smartest man in any room, repeating what he thinks he knows to be true.  Unfortunately for the President and those similarly afflicted, not only has the earth not warmed faster than predicted even 10 years ago, it has not warmed at all.

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Global Warming Still a Hoax

Missed global warming targets - its not getting warmer
Missed global warming target - "it's not actually getting warmer"

How much warmer has the world become since a) 1880 and  b) the beginning of 1997?

The answer to a) 0.75C
The answer to b) zero.

How much has wacky left wing energy policy based on this ridiculous idea cost us?  Enough to buy the world a coke and keep it company several hundred times over.  Include the global costs of compliance, regulation, loss of productivity and global GDP, dollars diverted to bankrupt green-energy projects, and energy inflation, and the whole-scale abandonment of cheap reliable energy has probably cost the world trillions.

But hey, we wasted that money and accumulated all the debt to help developing nations and our children…to..uh…remain developing nations and to inherit Anthropogenic  Massive Debt.   Which is why recent temperature data was released quietly with little to no media fanfare–they needed a few extra days to work on their narrative.

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