There Is no such thing as “morally justifiable” except in the minds of Liberals. If we continue to let the Left enjoy a majority rule, we will continue to see our rights and privileges erode and have no one to blame but the face in the mirror.
Air Travel
TSA Must Be Permanently Enjoined from Issuing Health Directives That Have Nothing to Do with Transportation Security
15 New England Pilots & Flight Attendants Ask Court of Appeals to Declare TSA’s Mask Rule Illegal
Coalition of 309 Airline Workers Demands TSA Be Enjoined from Ever Requiring Masks Again
John “Private Plane” Kerry Tries a Commercial Flight – Screws That Up Too!
John Kerry took a private jet to Iceland to collect the environmental award because people like him have to do that to save the planet. That went over so well that he tried to travel commercially and still behaved like an elitist douchebag.
All Aboard the Unicorn Express
So, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez finally unveiled the plan she’s been working on since the 5th grade. Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders couldn’t get it done, so the Leftists are using their new ace-in-the-hole to ride it. Oh, and with some help from old uncle-knucklehead, Senator Ed Markey from Massachusetts. The Green New Deal is the … Read more
And You Were Worried About Bag Fees?
A woman was kicked off a plane for wearing a shirt that read, “If I wanted the Government in My Womb, I’d F*** a Senator.” There are plenty of things wrong with this. First, it assumes that the Senator in question would be both male and adequately equipped to achieve the implied destination.