Affirmative Action Archives - Granite Grok

Affirmative Action

Justice Clarence Thomas

Affirmative Action Is Not About a Return to Segregation

It is a shame young people no longer read. Tweets and such just do not convey the depth of the argument decided by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) last week. Justice Thomas delivered a poignant and powerful decision overturning affirmative action.

US Supreme Court Justices Class of 2023

Time To End Affirmative Action Everywhere

It is finally time to live what we preach and treat everyone equally. We claim that we do not want racism in any form, yet we have systems that give preferential treatment to specific genders or races.

Vivek Ramaswamy

Vivek Ramaswamy Presidential Campaign 2/22/23: Question: Affirmative Actions and applying Civil Rights universally. Dealing with China?

E Pluribus Unum; one of our Nation’s mottos meaning “Out of Many, One”. We started out as a nation of immigrants from various lands, ethnicities, and social norms – the “Many”. As has been stated over our history by multitudes of people stated bazillion times, our nation is unlike any other in that we were …

Vivek Ramaswamy Presidential Campaign 2/22/23: Question: Affirmative Actions and applying Civil Rights universally. Dealing with China? Read More »

Sotomayor proves she is Obama's puppet - Stiglich

Wise Latinas vs Smart Blondes

Disclosure: My daughter was blonde, politically incorrect, and collected blonde jokes. No actual blondes were harmed in any way during the preparation of this article…

Data Point – “For every 100 girls / women…”

It has now been a couple of decades that girls have been “boosted” in all areas of life.  Yes, there were problems, especially in schools and athletics (e.g., Title IX, which Progressives are now trying to evicerate via their latest pet project, “Transgenderism” in which biological boys are being applauded in their Transjacking of girls …

Data Point – “For every 100 girls / women…” Read More »