Frank Edelblut

“We need to continue to have critical dialogues”

by Skip

PUBLIC RANCOR and divisiveness are palpable. Any public comment risks being twisted and turned like a pretzel into something it is not. But we need to continue to have critical dialogues as a society. As one famous politician stated, “The antidote to bad speech is more speech, not less.”

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Defense of Free Markets

Defense of Free Markets

There has been way too little defense of free markets. There are many ways in which business elevates humanity. Capitalism is based on doing things for others, things others find value in. Innovation and value creation are inherent in free-market capitalism.

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Trump smiling

Just What Has Joe Biden Accomplished in the Past 47 Years?

For those of you who are thinking of voting for Biden because you can’t stand Trump personally, I suggest you examine what Trump has accomplished in the first three-plus years. I don’t care for him personally either, but I do like his energy and his ability to do things that others have only talked about.

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Donald J. Trump

FACT CHECK: ‘Trump Accomplishments’ List

There is a post being shared on social media that is being called “Trump Accomplishments” and urges readers to verify each of the accomplishments and to share the list with others because the media isn’t talking about these accomplishment. When I received the list, I knew some of the things but hadn’t heard of many … Read more

GrokTV – NH State Senator Andy Sanborn – Question 8

by Skip


We always try to spend “a little time with GraniteGrok” and with Andy Sanborn (running for reelection to the NH Senate in District 9), we came to the realization that we had spent a lot more time than just a little.  So, we decided to end our interrogation interview with him with this last question.

Question 8:

What things have you accomplished since our first interview last cycle? Not get done?

We did all agree that we needed to come back and yak with Andy strictly on some issues rather than on the concentration on how the State does what it does – but it is nice to know that SOMEBODY has this in their head that not only do Legislators create laws for the rest of us but also how the “back of the house” (as Andy the restauranteur would put it) is doing as well.  After all, they ARE supposed to be serving us, the citizens.

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