Is the Resistance against a Leviathan Government growing?



We have all gotten used to the handmade signs set on the overpasses to welcome home the troops after a tour in either Iraq or Afghanistan.  Now, a new one?

To the right of the highway sign, see that white sign on the guardrail?  If you do not know what that white sign is or says, I believe it is a cousin to the one after the jump.  From the email that came to my attention:

“You may not be able to really see this well. See if you can enlarge it without distorting it. I took it while I was driving up to the overpass (not the best idea) but its a picture of a gun and the sign reads “Come and take it”. This is on the overpass just before Shaws in Milford. Wonder how long it will stay there!!!!!

Molon Labe

“Come and Take Them”.

(H/T: John)

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NH .223 Day of Resistance – Opening Ceremonies

Today was the .223 Day of Resistance Rally day all over the nation – and NH was no exception.  GraniteGrok attended the rally held on the steps of the NH State House in Concord NH.  Even on a grey, dark day with intermiteant spitting snow (thankfully, the snow held off almost until the end of … Read more

NH .223 Day of Resistance – Opening Ceremonies Part II

Two more clips that can be judged to be part of the Opening Ceremonies.  Father Christian Tutor of the All Saints Anglican Church gave the invocation with some additional remarks and Jeff Chidester (Conservative activist and host of of NH Perspectives radio show on WGIR 610) was introduced by Susan Olsen as the Master of … Read more

NH .223 Day of Resistance – NH State Rep Pam Tucker and Grokster Mike Rogers

NH State Representative Pam Tucker was the next up during the NH State House .223 Day of Resistance rally and brought her concerns as to what is happening in the NH House based on the anti-gunners in the Democrat / Progressive Party who are filing a number of bills that would restrict lawful abiding citizens … Read more

My Christmas present from the Youngest came in just in time for Saturday

Molon Labe - AR-15

The Youngest gave me a slim envelope yesterday and in it was an accessory for my AR-15: Molon Labe (“Come and get them”).

Molon Labe with a Gadsden Flag twist (close up after the jump)!  And just in time, for this Saturday (2/23) there is a 223 Day of Resistance rally at the NH State house being held in conjunction with rallys all over the country by other like minded folks

.223 Day of Resistance Header

Susan Olsen (who writes here at GraniteGrok)  is the organizer for the Concord rally – details here:

Concord, NH Day of Resistance Rally
Location: State Capital Steps
Time: 12 noon – 2 pm
Sponsoring Organization: Molon Labe New Hampshire
Organizer Contact: Susan Olsen
Facebook Page:

If coming to Concord is a bit too far, I would be remiss in letting you know that our friends in the Free State Project are

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