The New Hampshire Pro-Aborts Have Lost Their Mojo

by Beth Scaer

Every January for many years, New Hampshire Right to Life (NHRTL) has held a rally at the New Hampshire State House in Concord followed by a March for Life from the State House down Main Street to the Christ the King Parish Hall passing by the Equality Health Center (EHC) abortion facility.

EHC always had a large group of angry protesters. It was a huge spectacle with lots of shouting and vitriol towards the pro-life marchers.

In January 2024, EHC did not organize a protest, although a small group of protesters showed up on the EHC sidewalk. This year there was no EHC protest at all. After countless years the protests have stopped. There was a “No Trespassing” sign in the front yard, and nothing else. It was eerily quiet.

This year the Women’s March organized events all over the country to be held on January 18 to protest the second inauguration of Donald Trump. When Trump served as President from 2016 to 2020 there were huge Women’s March events held on the New Hampshire State House Lawn every January, organized by Planned Parenthood. I was expecting another one but it never materialized.

On Saturday, January 18, Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund instead held an Advocacy Briefing at the Throwback Brewery in North Hampton. A relatively small Women’s March event was held at the South Church in Portsmouth organized by Occupy Seacoast.

The loud, angry pro-abortion activism in New Hampshire has petered out. The New Hampshire pro-aborts have lost their mojo.


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