Disney Groomers

Why Are Corporations Geared Toward Kids Harboring Pedophiles

This is not a new story, but it is certainly worth writing because these companies need to be called out for their complicity in harboring juvenile sexual predators. The Disney Corporation and Nickelodeon are both guilty of hiring known, convicted individuals or those charged with sexual offenses against children to work with children.

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Speaker Pelosi, Tear Down That Wall

And the beat goes on With the country now into the second month of partial government shutdown, the partisan battle over border security is ice cold. Monday President Trump tweeted, “If Nancy Pelosi thinks that Walls are ‘immoral,’ why isn’t she requesting that we take down all of the existing Walls between the U.S. and … Read more

Men women bathroom symbols original Photo by Juan Marin on Unsplash

The Point is Not That Transgenders Might be Predatory

Part of the joy of defending disinterested citizens from the wolves of the always-on political machine of modern-government is untwisting the machine language used to snooker the sleeping giant. A great example is the recent kerfuffle over the politics of transgenders using public bathrooms, and not just in public schools.

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