Abortion: Both America and the World Disagree with Democrats by Large Majorities

New Hampshire recently passed a 24-week ban on abortions with exceptions. Democrats lost their minds and have still not found them. How dare we prohibit womb scraping after only six months. Even Gov. Sununu agrees. But almost no one else does.

Globally, especially in the #woke European countries, abortion is restricted, typically to fewer weeks than the NH law. And those countries the left swoons over, like Sweden, Ukraine, and Iran, either prohibit them altogether or restrict them to fewer weeks than we do in the Granite State.

In some cases, you have to ask permission to get one. Can you imagine an American Leftist response to that? Nails on chalkboard, anyone?

The global community is not down with that twisted little struggle. They recognize that human life has value before it leaves the womb and are not alone. A recent CBS News poll found that only 17% of Americans believe abortion should be legal at any point in a pregnancy.



CBS Poll Abortion 6-2022



Is 24 Weeks too Late?

There is also growing support for a ban at fifteen weeks and polling shows that this is not a number with which people are uncomfortabel outside the bluest of blue enclaves.

Related: Do You Know Who The Left Should Blame for the Overturning of Roe v Wade …?

But the Democrats have hitched their donkey to it, and if people were unaware of that, they know now. The Dobbs decision snapped more liberal twigs than you can shake a stick at, and that’s difficult to ignore. All the media and the Democrat party want to discuss when they are not broadcasting the abortion of justice doing business as J6 political theater.

Months before the midterms, a struggling Democrat party has chosen this hill upon which to die?


“Democrats see abortion as a big base motivator and a potential winning issue with independents,” claimed Politico.


The political left is convinced of what then? Independent voters will see the Courts giving them more say in what abortion means in their state as a reason to vote for Democrats? The party that wants that right back in the hands of the Feds. The feds who screwed up the economy, broke the dollar’s value, drove up gas prices, spiked inflation, spent tens of billions on a foreign war when we’re not even at war, and are in charge as crime rates rise and store shelves look increasingly empty.

And instead of focusing on those problems, they are zeroed in on a show trial whose sole purpose is to prevent the guy whose stability and economy the Democrats wrecked from running for President. Oh, and conception to birth abortion, over which 80% of Americans and most of the world object.



HT | The Federalist  []  Image Credit | Jake Fuller

Correction: A reference to Massachusetts having a 24-week ban was incorrect and has been removed. 

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