So far, for Governor, it is Shaun Fife

by Op-Ed

I just saw a story about Candidates for Governor, and Shaun Fife was not mentioned, so I searched DuckDuckGo and Google and got a few results. He needs to get out there in the media. Between Morse and Ayotte, I will be writing in “None of the Above” again.

My litmus test is being able to actually support someone enough to vote “without holding my nose.”

Well, I just searched FreeSpoke and Noticed Shaun Fife is under “The Maji Party.” I Like what I have read about Shaun so far, but I am not too sure about the Maji Party, and I will not be alone.

“The Idea for MAJI came from the failed election of 2020.”

We want to thank Ken Goodall for this Contribution – Please direct yours to You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines on the FAQ Page.

“We are gathering Anons and other citizens of the electorate to put GOD FIRST.”

I did not know if “Anons” were actually short for QAnons, and now I know it is; I looked it up. Early on, I followed QAnon. I actually jokingly used a Star Trek reference “I am Q”, until it went off the tracks. And then that guy in Horns at the Capital on January 6th certainly finished taking it right off the rails into the bushes!

I believe in what Shaun Fife is saying as a platform, and hopefully, the Anon connection can be overlooked by independents. That depends on how many independents have any signs of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

I can overlook the Anon connection because I know the Majority of those people are not wearing horns, as I did not when I first followed QAnon. But those unhappy Republicans against RINOs, conservative Democrats, if there are any left, and conservative “Undeclared” voters may be chased away by the Anon connection.

Either way, Shaun Fife needs to get out there more and push his agenda, which I do believe is worth supporting and could, at this point, even pass my smell test.

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I hate throwing a vote away, but I can no longer vote anti-democrat without actually supporting the candidate.

It feels good to vote for people you believe in. As a young libertarian voting for the first time, I believed in John Anderson, then again for Ross Perot. Then, I voted Democrat in the Primary for Tom Laughlin (Billy Jack), but he did not make it past the primary, so back to Ross Perot.

Then, when Clinton started stealing sportsmen’s money and redirecting government organizations to Animal Rights, I became anti-Democrat and voted that way in every election until this year’s primary.

If Shaun Fife does not get out there in the media and push his Working Man’s Agenda without name recognition, he will not stand a chance. If he stays on the tracks, I will be able to vote for him or write him in if I have to.

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