Local Government: Just Give Us The Money - Granite Grok

Local Government: Just Give Us The Money

Money down the toilet

High fives and many kudos to Kevin Tyson, “The Feudal Model of State-Funded Education.” He eloquently and accurately described the very concept I held in my mind as I wrote my call for help last weekend.

We need to get that vision firmly implanted in the taxpayers’ minds to have any hope of getting control of the rising tide of taxes, the precipitous fall of our education system, and the incessant attacks on our rights and liberties.

One question I asked at the joint town discussions on our budget for the coming year (Dunstable and Groton are facing a multi-million dollar prop 2 ½ override) was if the town administrators can’t get a handle on their budgets in a time of an historic escalation of real estate values and the attendant historic rise in assessed property values accompanied by the resultant tsunami of tax dollars into town coffers, how are they ever going to manage when values begin to stagnate or fall?

We want to thank Brian Flynn for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Steve@GraniteGrok.com.
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That question posed to the 20 or so administrators sitting at the front tables brought total silence to the room. In other words, they don’t have a clue but just give us the money for now.

The serfs need to begin to wake up, stop being serfs, and reclaim the ruling power given to them by the “angry old white men” of 233 years ago. To quote Mr. Frnklin, “when the people find they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the Republic.”

