Breaking: NH House Passes Emergency Reforms Along with State Budget – It’s Time to Contact the Senate!

The N.H. House passed the budget bills today containing the emergency powers reforms that you helped us include, and now the bill is on its way to the Senate. We appreciate the representatives who voted with us today, and we also appreciate you for reminding them to do the right thing. Thank you!

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Votes tomorrow and Friday for our other emergency powers bills are still to come as part of this week’s House session.

Now that the N.H. House budget has passed, it will be sent to the Senate, which will work to pass its own version of the budget. We are going to want to contact the Senate and ask them to include emergency powers reforms in the budget. Once the Senate budget is passed, the House and Senate will appoint members to attend a committee of conference to work out the differences.

This is the point when we must push the hardest for our Legislature to do the right thing. Assuming the Legislature acts to include the emergency powers reforms, and the amended budget passes both the House and the Senate, the governor will then have five business days to sign the budget, veto the budget, or allow the budget to become law without his signature. We will continue to ask our representatives to deny their support for any budget that does not include these emergency powers reforms.

We are working on several strategies to advance our cause from this point forward. As of today, please contact all 24 senators using the email addresses listed below and ask them to support emergency powers reforms in the budget. You may also use “Find Your Senator” to get a phone number to call your own Senator.

Find Your Senator

Talking points to consider using in your calls and emails:

  1. The House budget contains comprehensive State of Emergency reforms that the governor promised us last fall, but has since said he won’t sign. Let’s hold the governor to his word and restore the Constitutional balance of powers to the Legislature by including these reforms in the final budget.
  2. The emergency powers reforms in no way impede the governor’s ability to issue emergency orders during a State of Emergency, but they do create legislative oversight to the extension of State of Emergency declarations to prevent abuses of power.
  3. The State of Emergency is intricately tied into the budget because the budget defines spending policy for the state and the executive branch is spending our tax dollars to implement its emergency powers, so it is perfectly appropriate for State of Emergency reforms to be in the budget.
  4. It is imperative the Senate pass the budget so that the Legislature can have a say in the budget process. The Legislature, not the governor, should be creating state laws and setting state spending policy.
  5. The State of Emergency is over and citizens need to have some normalcy restored so the economy and culture can recover. It’s going to take time, but we cannot let this biennium go by without a return to the Constitutional balance of powers. Passing these reforms in the budget is our best chance we have to restore our government to its intended form.

N.H. State Senate
(Copy and Paste this list into the BCC field of your email client and put your own email address in the TO field).


Find Your Senator


What else can you do to help?

  1. Sign our new petition to the Legislature to End the State of Emergency, and if you haven’t yet, add your name to our original petition to the governor.
  2. Send emails to your representatives and senator and use your own language to explain why it’s time to end the State of Emergency. Consider using our opinion writing for background.
  3. Keep up to date on RebuildNH’s new Telegram Channel or join the discussion on Telegram. Like and recommend the ReopenNH MeWe page linked here. Request to join our MeWe group, linked here. You may also follow us on Twitter. Facebook shut down our ReopenNH group, but our Facebook page linked here is still active.
  4. Reopen your establishment and openly defy the unlawful emergency orders. Print and display a copy of our PDF to do so linked here, or make your own.
  5. Share our COVID-19 Legislative Policy Summit replay and our information packet on NH COVID-19.
  6. Share the treatments. We’ve collected several longer-form articles about protocols used to treat Covid-19.
  7. Educate yourself about the “vaccine” and why you should think twice before taking it. Watch this video from America’s Frontline Doctors’ Dr. Simone Gold and this video featuring snippets from doctors around the world. Want a religious perspective? Watch this rebuttal to Focus on the Family by Pastor Daniel Joseph.
  8. Share the Webinar with Lily Tang Williams to learn more about Chinese Propaganda and how to identify the same thing here.
  9. Visit the 603 Alliance Web site and watch their excellent voter fraud presentation about Windham. Take action as described.
  10. Submit your story about how you’ve been affected by the State of Emergency so we can fully report what is happening.
  11. Donate to ReopenNH so we can continue our operations through the Legislative Session, and continue to fund marketing and outreach to end the State of Emergency and fix our broken laws through advocacy within the Legislature.
  12. Donate to LDFNH to help protect the freedom of the people of New Hampshire by supporting effective advocacy in the courts. Note: Thomas McLeod is chairman of this organization and may be contacted by emailing RebuildNH does not directly support legal cases in the courts.
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