ACLU Fights to Keep The “Death Penalty” for Babies

Yesterday, Jeanne Hruska, Political Director for the ACLU of New Hampshire, testified in opposition to New Hampshire Bill HB625, which would restrict abortions in the third trimester, when babies are viable and can live outside the womb.

Related: UNH Students for Life: Please Support HB 625 and HB 622

Why would ACLU-NH defend the right to an abortion in the third trimester when their mission is to defend our civil rights?

It is because they believe the right to an abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason, or no reason at all is a constitutional right that must be vigorously defended.

It doesn’t matter to them that viable babies have natural rights, including the right to life. Those babies and their rights mean nothing to the ACLU-NH.

In the picture above, taken at an ACLU-NH event two years ago celebrating the anniversary of Roe V Wade, Hruska is posing, second from the left, with a sign opposing the death penalty.

The ACLU-NH worked hard that year to repeal the death penalty for convicted criminals in New Hampshire and won.

But they continue to work hard to keep the death penalty in place for babies in New Hampshire – for the crime of being a few weeks shy of their due date.

Read Cornerstone’s analysis of the bill and how to take action on HB625 at ‘HB 625 Will Provide a Long-Overdue Prohibition on Advanced Late-Term Abortions.’


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